From a command line, he issues the following command:
teamc workarea -refresh 310 -release robot_control
This action updates work area 310 with any changes from the release, and it also
freezes work area 310, if it is not already frozen. Now Alex’s work area contains the
following versions of parts:
brain.c (Jenny's modification) leg.c
brain.obj (from Alex's build after refresh) leg.obj
brain.exe (contains modification 5) foot.c
arm.c foot.obj
arm.obj optics.c (modification 5)
hand.c (Joy's and Ken's modification) optics.obj (modification 5)
hand.obj (from Alex's build after refresh)
None of the objects that Alex modified and none of the objects built as a result of Alex’s
modifications is overwritten by the refresh.
Building the application
Alex again builds the application brain.exe within his work area to determine whether
his changes integrate with Jenny’s, Joy’s, and Ken’s modifications.
Alex has a Parts window open with a list of all the parts that exist in work area 310. He
highlights the part brain.exe, and then does the following:
1. Selects Build from the Selected pull-down menu.
2. Types normal in the Pool field. The other required fields have the correct
3. Selects OK to start the build.
Figure 17. Refresh Work Areas window
Chapter 5. Working with no component or release processes 67