Performance Tuning Methodology
For effective performance tuning, you must first identify the performance issues
and determine the corrective actions. Following is a methodology that helps you
focus your efforts and reduce redundant tasks.
Use the following methodology to identify and resolve performance issues in
Sterling B2B Integrator:
1. Fill out the Requirements Planning Worksheet to determine the hardware
requirements for a given processing volume and speed.
Note: If you purchased IBM Consulting Services, you would have received a
report containing information about your hardware requirements based on
your business needs.
2. Verify that your hardware and memory specifications match the hardware and
memory recommendations provided during the performance planning phase.
3. Verify that you have installed the requisite patches on your system, which will
help you fix your performance issues from the IBM Customer Center Web site
4. Verify that you have the supported Java Virtual Machine (JVM
) on the
computer running Sterling B2B Integrator, and on the DMZ computer if you
are running perimeter servers. Both the JVM versions must match each other
and your Sterling B2B Integrator version requirements. The build date and
lower release numbers must also match.
5. Verify that you are running the supported version of your operating system.
6. Verify that you are running the supported versions of the JDBC drivers.
7. Verify that you have created your business processes using the most current
adapters and services, well-structured XPath statements, and the lowest
persistence by step and business process.
8. Tune Sterling B2B Integrator using the Performance Tuning Utility and the
information that you provided in the Requirements Planning Worksheet (refer
to the topic Performance and Tuning Worksheet). The Performance Tuning
Utility enables you to tune the cache, memory, and other system components,
but not the business processes.
For more information about this utility, refer to “Performance Tuning Utility”
on page 120.
9. Navigate to Operations > System > Performance > Statistics. In the Statistics
page, select the Enable Performance Statistics option. The Performance
Statistics reports provide information about the time taken to perform
business processes and execute activities, database connections and
persistence, and business process queue performance. You can use this
information to tune your system according to your volume and speed
For more information about performance statistics, refer to the topic Manage
Performance Statistics.
10. Review your history of incoming and outgoing documents and enter this
information in charts, showing daily, weekly, and monthly processing trends.
Use these charts to determine your peak volume processing levels based on
your processing pattern history.
11. Conduct initial performance testing by running your business processes with
sample data that is the same size as the data that will be processed in
production. In addition, run your business processes with data that
4 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management