Action Command
List all active
opscmd.sh -cListActiveAdapters -pname=node_name
If the adapter type is stateless, this command will list only one
instance of the adapter, even though it may have many
configurations for each node. If the adapter type is stateless, only
one instance (configuration) is applicable for each service type.
If the adapter type is stateful, then all the active instances are listed
for this command for each adapter.
Stop resource monitor opscmd.sh -cStopResourceMonitor -pname=node_name
List all active business
processes invoked by
server adapters that
have not sent the
business process
result back yet
opscmd.sh -cGETTRANSPORTSESSIONBPS [-pname=node_name]
-pid={queue_id | all} -padapterNodeName=adapter_node_name
Where adapter_node_name is the name of the node that is being
shut down. If -pname is not specified, all ASI nodes will be
scanned. The list of business processes returned by this command
have a client session with the adapters on the node.
List all business
processes that have
not closed sessions
with client adapters
on the node that is
being shut down.
opscmd.sh -cGETCLIENTSESSIONBPS [-pname=node_name]
Where adapter_node_name is the name of the node that is being
shut down. If -pname is not specified, all ASI nodes will be
Execute business
processes on a queue
or on all queues.
opscmd.sh -cExecuteBPsOnQueue -pname=node_name -pid={queue_id
| all} [-ptimeoutForQueues=timeout_out_in_seconds]
Note: This is an asynchronous command. Use the
cGetExecuteBPsOnQueueStatus command to see the status of BP
See the status of the
business process
queues execution.
opscmd.sh -cGetExecuteBPsOnQueueStatus -pname=node_name
-pid={queue_id | all}
Stop the JVM of a
opscmd.sh -cSTOPJVM -pname=node_name
Shut down a node or
a whole cluster
opscmd.sh -cSHUTDOWN [-pname=node_name]
[-pBPCompletionPolicy={1 | 2 | 3}] [-pBPDrainPolicy={1 | 2 |
3 | 4}] [-pTimeoutForQueues=time_out_in_seconds]
Note: If a node is not specified, the whole cluster is shut down.
Note: If the optional parameter BPCompletionPolicy,
BPDrainPolicy, TimeoutForQueues, or TimeoutForAdapters is not
specified, the default property value will be used from the
noapp.properties_platform_ifcresources_ext.in file.
Important: A soft stop does not stop all JVMs and system processing. To fully
stop the system, you must perform a hard stop after the soft stop is complete. For
instructions, see “Hard Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator” on page 120.
Graceful Adapter Shutdown
Sterling B2B Integrator supports clean adapter shutdown. That is, when stop
adapter is issued, the system allows the adapter to clean up its own session before
it gets removed from the system.
Only a few stateful adapters support this feature, for example, swiftAdapter.
118 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management