Report Section Description and Fields
Table Row Counts - Purge The Table Row Counts - Purge section shows the number
of rows eligible for purging for each table in the active
Number of Rows with No
Matching Records in Archive
Shows the number of rows in a table that are orphaned
(have no matching records in the archive data). It contains
the following fields:
v Table Name – Name of the table
v Orphaned Record Count – Number of orphaned rows
No Matching Workflow ID
The section shows the number of records in
TRANS_DATA with NULL workflow IDs or -1 workflow
IDs. It contains the following fields:
v Number of BPs with No Matching Records in Data
Table, and Count – Total number of workflows with -1
Workflow IDs in the data table
v No Workflow ID Assigned, and Count – Number of
business processes that have a null workflow ID.
Optimize the Database with the db_optimization_tool Script
Sterling B2B Integrator provides a database optimization script that allows you to
optimize your database by performing tasks such as analyzing tables and
rebuilding indexes.
Note: The db_optimization_tool script does not work for DB2.
To run the database optimization script, run the following from the command line:
v For UNIX, run install_dir/bin/db_optimization_tool.sh options
v For Windows, run install_dir\bin\db_optimization_tool.cmd options
Option Description
-l View a list of all index rebuild or analyze database SQL statements.
Must be used with -i or -a, or both.
Uses the current date and time as the cutoff for expired data,
unless the -t option is used. Either -l or -r is required.
-r Run all index rebuild or analyze database SQL statements. Must be
used with -i or -a. Uses the current date and time as the cutoff for
expired data, unless the -t option is used. Either -l or -r is required.
Note: The database optimization scripts can do a lot of database
updates to rebuild the indexes and analyze the database tables.
This could lead to deadlocks if done while Sterling B2B Integrator
is running. If you want to run these scripts while Sterling B2B
Integrator is running, you should run them during non-peak times.
You can also avoid deadlocks by running these scripts while
Sterling B2B Integrator is not running, as long as the database is
-i Use a list of the table indexes that need to be rebuilt (optimized).
Must be used with -l or -r. Either -i or -a is required.
-a Use a list of the tables to analyze. Must be used with -l or -r. Either
-i or -a is required.
Performance Management 217