Statistic Name Description
Persist a Document to
the Database
The length of time and the number of times a document was
persisted to the database.
For more information about persistence, refer to the topic
Changing Persistence Levels.
For example, in the figure preceding this table, Persist a Document
to the Database had the following statistics:
v Min (ms) – 9
v Max (ms) – 212
v Average (ms) – 111.0
v Invocations – 9
v Total (ms) – 1003
The Persist a Document to the Database statistic is helpful in
determining database issues and slow processing issues. When you
compare this information with your benchmarks, verify if you
notice the following:
v The Min (ms), Max (ms), and Average (ms) times are increasing.
This indicates that the database is becoming full, or that you
have a connection leak.
v The number of invocations are increasing. This indicates that
your persistence level is set too high.
v The number of invocations is small and the Min (ms) and Max
(ms) times are increasing. This indicates that you are persisting
large documents to the database, which can be moved to the
disk to save database space.
210 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management