Recommendation Test Production Comments
AIX page space
C C The AIX default page space
allocation policy does not reserve
swap space when processes allocate
memory. This can lead to excessive
swap space, which forces AIX to kill
processes when it runs out of swap
You should ensure that you either
have sufficient swap space, or set the
following environment policy
Monitor CPU Utilization NA C You should monitor CPU utilization
to ensure that there is no CPU
Monitor Swap Usage C C If not enough space is left on the
swap device (or paging file), the
operating system may prevent
another process from starting, or in
some cases, be forced to kill the
running processes.
Monitor Paging C C The JVMs and database management
systems rely on large memory
buffers or heaps, and are sensitive to
paging. Performance can noticeably
degrade if enough memory is not
available to keep the JVM heap in
You can monitor paging levels using
standard operating system or
third-party measurement tools, such
v UNIX/Linux – SAR
v Windows – System Monitor
Monitor Heap
Garbage Collection
C C Monitoring heap GC performance is
critical for performance and
availability. For example, if the
amount of heap that is free after a
GC is continually increasing, and
approaching the maximum heap
size, the JVM can experience
OutOfMemory exceptions.
6 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management