Field / Description
Tuning Formula or Default Value
(Default value is provided if there is no
tuning formula)
Physical Memory Allocated to Server (MB)
Amount of physical memory allocated to
each server node.
Note: Ensure that the physical memory
allocated to server nodes, container nodes,
and maximum permanent generation size
for both server nodes and container nodes
should not exceed the physical memory
allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator.
tuning.properties Property:
Default value (MB): 1536
A minimum of 1536 MB is allocated to each
server node out of the total physical
memory allocated to Sterling B2B Integrator.
However, if there is additional physical
memory available after allocating minimum
memory to all the server nodes and the
container nodes, the memory is split
between server nodes and container nodes.
By default, the server nodes are allocated
with three-fourths out of the available
memory and the container nodes are
allocated with one-fourths out of the
available memory. The additional memory is
calculated using the following formula:
((((Physical memory allocated to Platform -
(Number of server nodes * Minimum
memory allocated to the server nodes)) -
(Number of server nodes * Maximum
permanent generation size allocated to
server nodes)) - (Number of container nodes
* Maximum permanent generation size
allocated to container nodes)) – Memory
allocated to the ops server)
For example, let us consider that two server
nodes and one container node is present.
After allocating memory to the two server
nodes and one container node, 200 MB
additional memory is available, each server
node is allocated 75 MB memory and the
container node is allocated 50 MB memory.
You can also change the additional memory
allocation ratio. The additional memory
allocation ratio is calculated using the
following formula:
(((Additional memory available - Physical
memory allocated to container nodes) *
0.75)/Number of server nodes)
128 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management