
DmiVisEventWarehouse.Worker - ALERT ISSUED -
AFT Warehouse input BoundedQueue has reached capacity!
Client threads are now blocking!
The AFT Warehouse will temporarily suspend the sleep interval and
work full time to handle this spike in event activity.
At this point, the Worker thread will suspend sleep operations and service the
event queue. The Worker thread will also monitor the number of events it is
retrieving from the input queue. When the queue is no longer filled to capacity,
the Worker thread will resume normal sleep intervals after the current events are
processed and write a message into the visibility log file as shown in the
following example:
DmiVisEventWarehouse.Worker - ALERT RESCINDED -
AFT Warehouse input BoundedQueue is operating
below capacity!
The normal batch sleep interval is now re-established.
By adjusting the size of the event queue, you can improve the AFT Visibility
v The amount of AFT coverage to enable visibility_coverage.
You can improve performance by adjusting the amount of AFT Visibility
coverage that is enabled. You can specify settings ranging from None, which
disables AFT Visibility, to All, which enables all the AFT Visibility components.
Specifying the proper settings according to your requirements allows you to
disable unnecessary components and improve performance, while preserving
core file transfer and data flow capabilities.
To specify AFT Visibility settings, perform the following steps:
1. Navigate to the install_dir/properties directory and locate (or create, if
necessary) the customer_overrides.properties file. For more information about
customizing property files, refer to the topic Customizing Property Files.
2. Open the customer_overrides.properties file using a text editor.
3. Add the property settings that you want to use in the following format, using
the information provided in the following table as reference:
Here, PROPERTY_NAME is the name of the property.
PROPERTY_VALUE is the value you want to assign to the property.
For example, assume that you want to change the persistent batching interval
from the default value of 2000 to a value of 3000. To do so, add the following
line to the customer_overrides.properties file:
Property Description
persistent_batching_interval Specifies the time interval, in milliseconds, between
batching AFT events to the database. Default is 2000
milliseconds (2 seconds). Example:
192 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management