
Note: Simply viewing a business process is not sufficient to identify the resources
that are being used in deprecated business resources. Some predefined business
processes determine the resources to be used, only at runtime. For example, some
EDI enveloping and deenveloping business processes determine which map to use
at runtime based on header information.
Soft Stop of Sterling B2B Integrator
A soft stop of Sterling B2B Integrator allows existing processes the opportunity to
complete or be saved for resumption after restart.
This can save you time by eliminating the need to manually resume processes after
a restart. You can run a soft stop from either the UI or from the command line.
A soft stop provides the ability to interactively step through the shutdown process.
It allows the following to happen during a shutdown:
v The transfer of running business processes to other cluster nodes or to the
database for recovery.
v The ability to control the completion of queued business processes.
v The ability to show the status of adapter activity and open sessions.
The individual steps of a shutdown are as follows. The soft stop allows you to
control the execution of the individual steps required for graceful shutdown.
1. A node is marked unavailable so that it does not accept jobs from other nodes.
2. The unavailable node information is broadcast to other cluster nodes so that
each node knows which nodes are in the process of shutting down.
3. Adapters are signaled information about the shutdown so that they can stop
accepting new requests.
4. The resource monitor is shut down.
5. The scheduler is shut down. For clustered installations, schedules are moved
to another live cluster node.
6. All new live business processes are blocked from their queues and are
re-directed to other live cluster nodes or are saved to the database with a
status of HALTED_SOFTSTOP for autorecovery.
7. The business process drain policy and completion policy are used to
redistribute business processes to other live cluster nodes or save them to the
database with a status of HALTED_SOFTSTOP for autorecovery if there is no
other live node or if it is a standalone installation.
v The completion policy determines if you finish the whole business process;
the execution cycle of the business process; or the step of the business
v The drain policy determines what you need to do with the business
processes in the business process queue (drain all business processes; drain
not started business processes; drain not started business processes that
have no open servers session against adapters; or drain no business
8. The business processes remaining on the queue are allowed to complete.
9. The system waits for all business processes to be completed.
10. The user can watch the adapter activity/sessions and manually control when
to shut down adapters. Some adapters will not stop immediately. These
adapters will defer shutdown to allow existing transfers to complete. The
status of these adapters can be seen via the ! icon in the adapter list.
110 Sterling B2B Integrator: Performance Management