Installing ApplicationsChapter —3
124 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
To install the Registry Save application after a cold-boot is performed,
change the properties of the REGFLUSH.CAB file to that of read-only.
Using ActiveSync, copy the CAB file to the “Flash File Store\CabFiles”
folder on the 700 Color Computer, then perform a cold-boot to load this
CAB f ile.
Deleting the O ld Registry File
1 On the original 700 Color Computer, select Start > Programs >theFile
Explorer icon, then tap My Device > Flash File Store. Scroll down to
the bottom of the list of files and folders, press and hold your stylus in
the white area beneath for a pop-up menu, then select View All Files.
2 Look f or a “registry” file. If one exists, select to highlight that file, press
and hold for a pop-up menu, select Delete,thenYes to remove this file.
Copying the RegFlush CAB File
Note: Information for the Intermec web site is subject to change.
1 Using your web browser, go to the Intermec web site at
www.intermec.com, then select Service & Support > Developer’s
2 Scroll down, then click Intermec Component Toolbox beneath the
“Software Downloads” header. Register to use the library if you have
not already done so.