Network SupportChapter —4
134 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Ethernet Communications (740, 741, 750, 751, 760, 761 Computers)
Follow the steps below to start Ethernet communications on the 700 Color
Computer. If your system does not contain an 802.11b or 802. 11b/g
radio, then Ethernet networking using DHCP is selected as the default.
When “Built-in Ethernet” is selected from the NDISTRAY pop-up menu
(the Network Dri v e r Interface Specification tray application),
then the Ethernet icon shown to the left appears in the System Tray as
circled in the following illustration.
Wireless 802.11 Communications
When “Wireless 802.11” is selected vi a the NDISTRAY pop-up menu: