Network SupportChapter —4
132 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Understanding Your 700 Series Computer
Due to the number of 700 Series Computers now available, and to the
number of applications, drivers, and modules that may or may not be
available, these tables are to help you determine what is on your particular
Hardware Features
730 Computers 802.11b radio, Bluetooth
740 Computers Ethernet, Bluetooth
741 Computers Ethernet, Bluetooth
750 Computers Ethernet, 802.11b radios, Bluetooth
751 Computers Ethe rnet, 802.11b/g radios, Bluetooth
760 Computers Ethernet, 802.11b, CDMA/1xRT T WAN (data only*), GSM/GPRS WAN (data and voice)
radios, Bluetooth
761 Computers Ethernet, 802.11b/g, CD MA/1xRTT WAN (data and voice), GSM/GPRS WAN (data and
voice) radios, Bluetooth
Software Applications
Computers: 730 740 741 750 751 760 761
CORE (page 137) XXXXXXX*
Microsoft Phone for CDMA Radios (page 144) X
Microsoft Phone for GSM Radios (page 154) X
On-board Wired Etherne t (page 134) X X X X X X
PhoneUtility (page 159) X
SB555 Watcher (page 162) X
Wireless Local Are a Network (page 134) X XXXX
Wireless Pers onal Area Network (page 189) X X X X X X X
Wireless Wide Area Network XX
WWAN Communicator** X X
WWAN Toolkit XX
* Does not apply to WAN radios
** See the “WWAN Commu nicator User’s Guide” P/N: 074250.