Installing ApplicationsChapter —3
128 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Migrating Applications
Note: These instructions assume that the 700 Color Management Tools
were installed on your desktop and that a storage card was added to the
base configu ration of the 700 Color Computer.
Do the following required stepstoensurethatCABfilesarerestored,ap-
plications automatically start, and registry is restored on cold-boot:
1 From your desktop, double-click the Intermec CE Imager desktop icon
to access the Intermec CEImager application. If this icon is not on your
desktop, then double-click the CEIMAGER.EXE executable from the
“C:\Program Files\Intermec\700C Mgmt Tools\Tools\CEImager”
2 Click Default under Components List to activate the components.
3 Click (+) to expand the AutoRun System component, click (+) to ex-
pand the Destination Media option, then select either the
CompactFl ash Card option or the Secure Digital Card option. Do not
select both storage cards, as the AutoRun files copied will work for one stor-
age card, but not work on the other storage card.
Note: The 730 Computer does not support CompactFlash storage cards.
4 Click Install to install the AUTORUN files onto the storage card.