Programming—Chapter 7
245700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
Transferring Files Over TCP/IP Networks
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server transfers files over TCP/IP net-
works. The FTPDCE.EXE program is a version that does not display a
window, but can run in the background.
FTPDCE is the Internet File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server process. The
server can be invoked from an application or command line. Besides ser-
vicing FTP client requests, the FTP Server also sends a “network an-
nouncement” to notify prospective clients of server availability.
The FTP Server currently supports the following FTP requests:
CDUP Changes to the parent directory of the current working directory.
CWD Changes working directory.
DELE Deletes a file.
HELP Gives help information.
LIST (This FTP requ es t is the same as the ls -lgA command). Gives list files in a directory.
MKD Makes a directory.
MODE (AlwaysUsesBinary).Specifies data transfer mode.
NLST (Not supported) Givesanamelistoffilesindirectory(thisFTPrequestisthesameasthels command).
NOOP Does nothing.
PASS Specifies a password.
PWD Prints the current working directory.
QUIT Terminates session.
RETR Retrieves a file.
RMD Removes a directory.
RNFR Specifies rename-from file name.
RNTO Specifies rename-to file name.
STOR Stores a file.
SYST Shows the operating system type of server system.
TYPE (Binary transfers only.) Specifies the data transfer type with the Type parameter.
USER S pecifies user name.
XCUP (Not Normally Used) Changes the parent directory of the current working directory.
XCWD (N ot Normally Used) Changes the current directory.
XMKD (Not Normally Used) Creates a directory.
XPWD (Not Normally Used) Prints the current working directory.
XRMD (Not Normally Used) Removes a directory.