Network SupportChapter —4
194 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Automatic Private IP Addressing (AutoIP) is enabled by default in
Windows Mobile 2003. To remain compatible with other v ersions of
Pocket PC, this setting needs to be enabled. You can configure the registry
settings in the following to set the required AutoIP/DHCP behavior:
S For Ethernet:
S Fot 802.11:
Other registry keys that can modify the behavior of AutoIP are as follows.
You can find the appropriate settings and behavior of each of these keys in
Microsoft Help.
S AutoInterval
S AutoMask
S AutoSubnet
S AutoIP
S AutoSeed
When a TCP/IP client cannot find a DHCP server, it generates an AutoIP
address from the 169.254.xxx. xxx block. The client then tries to check f or
a DHCP server every 15 seconds and if a DHCP server is found, the client
drops the AutoIP address and uses the address from the DHCP server.
In the MSDN Windows CE documentation available out on the Micro-
soft Developer Network web site (www. msdn.com), see “Automatic Client
Configuration” for more information on AutoIP.
To disable AutoIP, set the AutoCfg registry entry to “0.” If a DHCP serv-
er cannot be found, instead of using AutoIP, the system will display the
“Unable to obtain a server assigned IP address” message.
Note: If you try to disable AutoIP using a CAB f ile to set the registry v alue
for AutoIP, remember to set the EnableDHCP value to “1” to keep
DHCP enabled
Note: To extend the number of attempts that a DHCP client makes to get
a DHCP address, use the DhcpRetryDialogue and DhcpMaxRetry registry
Note: Change the AutoInterval registry key value to make the client retry