ProgrammingChapter —7
268 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Basic Connect/Disconnect Functions
Below are functions available for the 700 Color Computer when enabled
with the 802.11b or 802.11b/g r adio module.
Connects to the available radio. Use this function if you plan on using a
lot of API calls that talk directly to the radio. Note that the 802.11b or
802.11b/g radio must be enabled via NDISTRAY before you can connect
to it.
Syntax UINT RadioConnect( );
Parameters None.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise
Remarks Call this function before you call any other function found within
this API. It hunts out and connects to the 802.11b or 802.11b/g
radio available on the system. Che c k extended error codes if it re-
turns anything e lse for information.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_RadioConnect)();
UINT RadioConnect();
Call this fu nction when done using the 802. 11 API to clean up a
connection from a previous RadioConnect() call. If you do not call this
function, you may leave memory allocated.
Syntax UINT RadioDisconnect( );
Parameters None.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, otherwise
Remarks None.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_RadioDisconnect)();
UINT RadioDisconnect();