Network SupportChapter —4
142 700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
GSM/GPRS CORE Module (760 Computers with WAN Radios)
GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is an open, nonpro-
prietary wireless system. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is the high-
speed data evolution of GSM that supports Internet Protocol (IP), enab-
ling access to Internet and intranet content and applications from GPRS
wireless devices.
WAN Monitor — General
The WAN Monitor CORE module displays helpful information about the
GSM/GPRS radio option built into your 760 Computer. The following
illustrations are for a GSM/GPRS Siemens MC45 radio.
Below are descriptions and meanings for each piece of information pro-
vided via the General tab. Note that the information is listed alphabetically.
ATT Wireless
Lists the name of the service providing the network support.
Band Identifies the frequency spectrum used by the radio module.
BER (Bit Error Rate ) The average number of bits transmitte d in error.
f/w Identifies the firmware version, if available.
h/w Identifies the hardware version, if available.
Network Type The network type which would list “GSM-GPRS.”
Phone Number Identifies the telephone number assigned to the SIM card.
Radio ESN The Electronic Serial Number (ESN) assigned to this radio module. “Unavailable” appears if a
number cannot be read from the radio. This number, which you give to your provider, is either
on the box or on a label inside the battery compartment. The label would include the term
“ESN” and a bar code along with the serial number.
Registered on
home network
If the WAN radio module has registered with a service provider network, one of these appears:
S Registered on home network: Radio module is registered on its “home” network.
S Registered on roamed network: Radio module registered on another service provider’s network.
S Radio Not Registered: There is no network w ithin range of this radio module.
RSSI Displays the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) frequency or lists “Unavailable” if there
is no signal or the signal cannot be retrieved from the radio module.
Serial Status Indicates whethe r se rial communications passe d (“Serial com OK”) or failed (“Serial com FAIL”)
in its last transaction. A status of “Serial com FAIL” typically indicates that the 760 Computer is
unable to establish communication with th e radio module installed within.
This displays an active history of this radio module’s connection quality.
Friendly Indicator:
Usually indicates the signal strength for this radio module. Three filled
dots indicate a high quality or strong signal. Three empty dots indicate
that the signal is out of range or there is no signal detected.