Insert Effect (IFX)
1. In/Out
Insert Effect (IFX) have a stereo input and a stereo output.
If you select Dry (no effect) for the “W/D” parameter, the
stereo input signal will be output in stereo without being
processed by the effect. If you select Wet (effect applied), the
processed signal will be output in one of the following ways:
If you select 00: No Effect, stereo input signals are output in
stereo without being processed.
The possible routing of effect inputs and outputs is indi-
cated in the upper left corner of the block diagram.
These can be switched on/off by the “On/Off” settings in 8:
Ed–InsertFX (or InsertFX), Setup pages IFX in each mode.
When off, the effect will be bypassed. In the same way as for
00: No Effect, the stereo input sound will be output in stereo
without modification.
Separately from this “On/Off” setting, MIDI control
change CC#92 can be received to turn all IFX effect off.
A value of 0 is off, and a value of 1–127 restores the
original setting. You can also use “FX SW” (GLOBAL 0–
1b) to turn off IFX in the same way. This is controlled on
the global MIDI channel “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 1–
2. Routing
2–1. Program mode
Use “BUS Select” (PROG 8–1a) to set the destination bus of
the oscillator output.
L/R: The signal is not sent to the Insert Effects. Instead, it is
sent to (MAIN OUTPUT) L/MONO and R after the Master
IFX: The signal is sent to Insert Effect IFX.
1, 2, 1/2: The signal is sent to (INDIVIDUAL OUTPUT) 1, 2
(☞p.103 “Individual Outputs”). The signal is not sent to the
Insert Effect, Master Effects, and or Master EQ.
Off: The signal is not sent to (MAIN OUTPUT) L/MONO,
R, (INDIVIDUAL OUTPUT) 1 or 2. (After the Master Effects,
the signal is output to MAIN OUTPUT.) Select this option if
you connect the Insert Effect with the Master Effects in
series, with the send level specified by “MFX1 Send1”and
“MFX2 Send2.”
Use MFX1 Send “Send1” and “Send2” (PROG 8–1a) to
specify the send level for the Master Effects. This setting is
effective if “BUS Select” (PROG 8–1a) is set to L/R or Off.
If “BUS Select” is set to IFX, use “S1 (Send1(MFX1))” and
“S2 (Send2(MFX2))”(PROG 8–2) for the post-IFX signal
(☞“3. Mixer”).
Send Level 1 can be controlled by MIDI Control Change
CC#93, and Send Level 2 can be controlled by MIDI
Control Change CC#91. At this time, the actual send
level is determined by multiplying the Send Level 1 or 2
value of the oscillator with the Send Level 1 or 2 value
received via MIDI.
— Settings for drum programs —
If you have selected “Drums” for “Oscillator Mode” (PROG
1–1a) of a Program, the “Use DKit Setting” (PROG 8–1b) box
becomes available. If you check this box, “BUS Select”
(GLOBAL 4–3a) for each key of the selected DrumKit
becomes effective. For example you can send snare-type
sounds to IFX to apply a gate effect, and send the other
sounds to (MAIN OUTPUT) L/MONO and R without
applying the insert effect. If you de-select the box, all drum
instrument outputs are sent to the bus specified by “BUS
Select” (PROG 8–1a). You may apply the Insert Effect to all
drum instruments, regardless of the DrumKit settings.
2–2. Combination, Multi mode
Use the “BUS Select” settings (COMBI 8–1a, MULTI 8–1
(2)a) settings of the Timbre (Combination)/Track (multi set)
to specify whether the insert effect will be applied to a tim-
In the same way as for Program mode, you can select from
L/R, IFX, 1, 2, 1/2, or Off for each timbre/track.
“S1 (Send1(MFX1)),” “S2 (Send2(MFX2))” become available
if “BUS Select” has been set to L/R or Off.
If IFX is selected, use “S1 (Send1(MFX1))” and “S2
(Send2(MFX2))” for the post-IFX signal (☞“3. Mixer”).
Send level 1 is controlled by MIDI control change
CC#93, and send level 2 by MIDI control change CC#91.
At this time, the actual send level will be the send level
1 or 2 of the program oscillator used by the timbre/
track multiplied by the send level 1 or 2 that is set via
MIDI. (“Send Level” ☞p.100)
The following illustration is an example in Combination
mode. “BUS Select” settings have been made to send the
output of timbre 1 to IFX and the other timbres to L/R. The
output passes through the master EQ, and is sent to (MAIN
OUTPUT) L/MONO and R. It is not sent to the insert effect.
Stereo In - Stereo Out
Mono In - Mono Out
Mono In - Stereo Out