Dynamic Modulation Source List
CC#: This is the control change number.
This indicates a controller not present on the X50/
microX that can be received via MIDI, such as the ribbon
controller on the TRITON Extreme etc. The controller
and the type of MIDI messages it transmits will depend
on the type of connected MIDI instrument or device.
In Program mode, dynamic modulation of the insert
effect and master effects is controlled on the global
MIDI channel.
In Combination mode and Multi mode, dynamic mod-
ulation of the insert effect and master effects are con-
trolled on the MIDI channel that has been specified as
the “Control Channel” for IFX, MFX1, and MFX2
Source name Explanation
Off dynamic modulation is not used
Gate1 note on/off (☞p.159)
G1+Dmp (Gate1+Damper) note on + damper on/off (☞p.159)
Gate2 note on/off (retrigger) (☞p.159)
G2+Dmp (Gate2+Damper) note on + damper on/off (retrigger) (☞p.159)
Note No. (Note Number) note number
Vel (Velocity) Velocity
AfterT (After Touch) after touch (Channel After Touch)
X50: PBend/microX: JS X (Joy Stick X) X50: [PITCH] wheel
microX: Joystick X axis (horizontal)
X50: M.Whl#1/microX: JS+Y#1 (Joy Stick +Y: CC#01) X50: [MOD] wheel
microX: Joystick +Y (up) (CC#01)
JS–Y#2 (Joy Stick –Y: CC#02) X50: CC#02*
microX: Joystick –Y (down) (CC#02)
Pdl#4 (Foot Pedal: CC#04) assignable foot pedal (CC#04) (☞p.159)
FX1#12 (FX Control1: CC#12) MIDI effect control 1(CC#12)
FX2#13 (FX Control2: CC#13) MIDI effect control 2(CC#13)
Rbn#16 (Ribbon: CC#16) MIDI CC#16: controller (ribbon controller*)
Sld#18 (Value Slider: CC#18) MIDI CC#18: Controller (Value Slider*)
Kb1#17 (Knob Mod1: CC#17) realtime control knob 1 in B-mode (knob modulation 1 CC#17) (☞p.159)
Kb2#19 (Knob Mod2: CC#19) realtime control knob 2 in B-mode (knob modulation 2 CC#19) (☞p.159)
Kb3#20 (Knob Mod3: CC#20) realtime control knob 3 in B-mode (knob modulation 3 CC#20) (☞p.159)
Kb4#21 (Knob Mod4: CC#21) realtime control knob 4 in B-mode (knob modulation 4 CC#21) (☞p.159)
Kb1[+] (Knob Mod1: CC#17 [+]) realtime control knob 1 in B-mode [+] (☞p.159)
Kb2[+] (Knob Mod2: CC#19 [+]) realtime control knob 2 in B-mode [+] (☞p.159)
Kb3[+] (Knob Mod3: CC#20 [+]) realtime control knob 3 in B-mode [+] (☞p.159)
Kb4[+] (Knob Mod4: CC#21 [+]) realtime control knob 4 in B-mode [+] (☞p.159)
Dmp#64 (Damper: CC#64) damper pedal (CC#64)
Prt#65 (Portamento Switch: CC#65) portamento switch (CC#65)
Sos#66 (Sostenuto: CC#66) sostenuto pedal (CC#66)
SW1#80 (SW1 Mod.: CC#80) assignable panel switch 1 (SW1 modulation CC#80) (☞p.159)
SW2#81 (SW2 Mod.: CC#81) assignable panel switch 2 (SW2 modulation CC#81) (☞p.159)
FSW#82 (Foot Switch: CC#82) assignable foot switch (CC#82)
CC#83 MIDI Control Change (CC#83)
Tempo tempo (internal clock or external MIDI clock tempo data) (☞p.159)