4–2: Mod.1 (Filter1 Modulation1)
Indicates settings for keyboard tracking which modifies the
tone by modulating the filter 1 cutoff frequency “Frequency
(A/B Frequency),” and intensity settings for the filter 1 EG, etc.
4–2a: Keyboard Track
These settings specify keyboard tracking for the cutoff fre-
quency of filter 1. The way in which the cutoff frequency is
affected by the position of the key (on the keyboard) that
you play can be specified by the Key: “Low” and “High,”
Ramp: “Low” and “High” parameters.
Specifies the note numbers at which keyboard tracking will
begin to be applied, and set the “Int. to A” and “(Int. to) B”
parameters to specify the depth and direction of the change
applied to filter 1 A and B.
For the range of notes between “Low (KBDTrk Key Low)”
and “High (KBDTrk Key High),” the cutoff frequency will
change according to the key location (pitch).
X50: You can also input a value by playing a note on the
keyboard while you hold down the [ENTER] button.
Low (KBDTrk Key Low) [C–1…G9]
Keyboard tracking will apply to the range below the speci-
fied note number.
High (KBDTrk Key High) [C–1…G9]
Keyboard tracking will apply to the range above the speci-
fied note number.
Ramp (Ramp Setting):
Specifies the angle of keyboard tracking.
Low (KBDTrk Ramp Low) [–99…+99]
High (KBDTrk Ramp High) [–99…+99]
If “Int. to A (KBDTrk Int. to A)” and “Int. to B (KBDTrk Int.
to B)” are set to +50, “Low (KBDTrk Ramp Low)” is set to
–62 and “High (KBDTrk Ramp High)” is set to +62, the angle
of the change in cutoff frequency will correspond to the key
location (pitch). This means that the oscillation that occurs
when you increase the “Resonance (A Resonance)” (4–1b)
will correspond to the keyboard location.
If you set “Low (KBDTrk Ramp Low)” to +43 and “High
(KBDTrk Ramp High)” to –43, the cutoff frequency will not
be affected by keyboard location. Use this setting when you
do not want the cutoff frequency to change for each note.
How cutoff frequency is affected by keyboard location
and the Ramp setting (“Int. to A,” “Int. to B”=+50)
Int. to A (KBDTrk Int. to A) [–99...+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect on filter 1A
produced by keyboard tracking settings “Low (KBDTrk Key
Low),” “High (KBDTrk Key High),” “Low (KBDTrk Ramp
Low),” and “High (KBDTrk Ramp High).”
With positive (+) settings, the effect will be in the same
direction as the keyboard tracking settings.
With negative (–) settings, the effect will be in the opposite
Int. to B (KBDTrk Int. to B) [–99...+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect on filter 1B
produced by keyboard tracking. (☞“Int. to A (KBDTrk Int.
to A)”)
4–2b: Filter EG
Int. to A (Intensity to A) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that the time-
varying changes created by the filter 1 EG will have on the
filter 1A cutoff frequency.
With positive (+) settings, the sound will become brighter
when the EG levels set by Filter 1 EG “L (Level parameters)”
and “T (Time parameters)” (4–5a) are in the “+” area, and
darker when they are in the “–” area.
With negative (–) settings, the sound will become darker
when the EG levels set by Filter 1 EG “L (Level parameters)”
and “T (Time parameters)” are in the “+” area, and brighter
when they are in the “–” area.
Int. to B (Intensity to B) [–99…+99]
Specifies the depth and direction of the effect that the time-
varying changes created by the filter 1 EG will have on the
filter 1B cutoff frequency. (☞“Int. to A (Intensity to A)”)
Vel to A (Velocity to A) [–99…+99]
This parameter specifies the depth and direction of the effect
that velocity will have on the time-varying changes created
by the filter 1 EG (as set by “Filter 1 EG” 4–5) to control the
filter 1A cutoff frequency.
With positive (+) values, playing more strongly will cause
the filter 1 EG to produce greater changes in cutoff fre-
quency. With negative (–) values, playing more strongly will
also cause the filter 1 EG to produce greater changes in cut-
off frequency, but with the polarity of the EG inverted.
Vel to B (Velocity to B) [–99…+99]
This parameter specifies the depth and direction of the effect
that velocity will have on the time-varying changes created
by the filter 1 EG to control the filter 1B cutoff frequency.
(☞“Vel to A (Velocity to A)”)
Cutoff frequency
Low Ramp=+99
Low Ramp=+43
Low Ramp=0
Low Ramp=–62
Low Ramp=–99
High Ramp=+99
High Ramp=+62
High Ramp=0
High Ramp=–43
High Ramp=–99
Low Key
High Key
Changes in cutoff frequency
Softly played
(The setting of Intensity to A (4–2b))
Strongly played
Setting to –
Strongly played
Setting to +