
2–4: Other
Specifies the delay from note-on until sound is produced for
each timbre. Also specifies the scale.
2–4a: Delay [ms], Use Prog’s Scale
Delay [ms] [0000…5000, KeyOff]
Specifies a delay time from note-on until the sound begins
for each timbre.
KeyOff: The note will begin sounding at note-off. In this
case, the sound will not die away if the sustain level of the
program’s amp EG is other than 0. This setting is used when
creating harpsichord sounds.
Normally you will set this to 0.
Use Prog’s Scale [Off, On]
Each timbre can use the scale that is specified by “Scale”
(PROG 1–1c).
On (checked): The scale specified by the program will be
Off (unchecked): The scale specified by “Type (Combi’s
Scale)” (2–4b) will be used.
2–4b: Combi’s Scale, Key, Random
Specifies the scale that the combination will use.
Type (Combi’s Scale)
[Equal Temperament...User Octave15]
Indicates the type of scale.
“Type (Scale Type)” (PROG 1–1c)
Key [C…B]
Indicates the tonic key of the selected scale.
“Key” (PROG 1–1c)
Random [0…7]
As this value is increased, an increasingly random devia-
tion will be added to the pitch at each note-on.
“Random” (PROG 1–1c)
“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (0–1)
COMBI 3: Ed–MIDI Filter1
These settings allow you to apply filters to the MIDI data
that will be transmitted and received by each timbre 1–8. For
example even if two timbres are being played by the same
MIDI channel, you can make settings so that the damper
pedal will apply to one but not the other.
On (checked): Transmission and reception of MIDI data is
When “Status” (2–1a) is INT, operations of the built-in con-
trollers or incoming MIDI data will apply the effect of the
checked item to the program of the corresponding timbre.
(The effect dynamic modulation function is not affected by
this setting.)
When “Status” is EXT or EX2, operations of the built-in con-
trollers will transmit MIDI data on the channel of that tim-
bre. MIDI transmission and reception settings for this
instrument are made in “MIDI Filter” (GLOBAL 1–1b).
The MIDI Filter 1–3 and MIDI Filter 1–4 pages contain MIDI
filters for assignable controllers (whose function can be set
by the user), and if these are assigned to MIDI control
changes, the filter settings will affect those control changes.
In this case, if the assignable controllers have been set to
control changes that are also found in the MIDI Filter 1–1 or
MIDI Filter 1–2 pages, the settings in the MIDI Filter 1 and
MIDI Filter 2 pages will take priority. Also, if the same con-
trol change is assigned to two or more controllers in the
MIDI Filter 1–3 and MIDI Filter 1–4 pages, checking any one
of them will enable that control change.
Off (unchecked): Transmission and reception of MIDI data
is disabled.
3–1: MIDI 1–1 (MIDI Filter 1–1)
3–1a: Program Change, After Touch
Program Change [Off, On]
Specifies whether or not MIDI program change messages
will be transmitted and received.
After Touch [Off, On]
Specify whether or not MIDI after touch messages will be
transmitted and received.
If you set the GLOBAL 0–3: Foot page “Foot Pedal Assign”
parameter to After Touch, you can transmit aftertouch mes-
sages using a foot controller connected to the ASSIGNABLE
PEDAL jack.
The keyboard of the X50/microX does not transmit
aftertouch messages.
“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (0–1)