The A-mode functions of the REALTIME CONTROLS
are fixed.
Knob1-A: LPF Cutoff (Filter LPF Cutoff: CC#74)
Control the low pass filter cutoff frequency of the filter.
Simultaneously, CC#74 will be transmitted.
Knob2-A: Resonance/HPF
(Filter Resonance/HPF Cutoff: CC#71)
Control the resonance level or the cutoff frequency of the
high pass filter. If the program “Filter Type” is Low Pass
Resonance, the resonance level will be controlled. If “Filter
Type” is Low Pass & High Pass, the cutoff frequency of the
high pass filter will be controlled. Simultaneously, CC#71
will be transmitted.
Knob3-A: EG-Intensity (Filter EG Intensity: CC#79)
Control the filter EG intensity. Simultaneously, CC#79 will
be transmitted.
Knob4-A: EG-Release
(Filter, Amplifier EG Release: CC#72)
Control the release time of the filter and amplifier EG.
Simultaneously, CC#72 will be transmitted.