Pat (Pattern)
[Preset-0...Preset-4, U000...U250]
Selects the pattern that you wish to edit.
(Tempo) [040...240, EXT]
This specifies the tempo.
This can also be adjusted by the REALTIME CONTROLS C-
mode [TEMPO] knobs.
If “MIDI Clock” (1–1a) is set to Ext-MIDI or Ext-USB, or set
to Auto and operating as a slave, this will indicate EXT, and
the arpeggiator will synchronize to MIDI clock messages
from an external MIDI device.
5–1b: Lgth, Reso, Oct, Sort, Latch, K.Sync,
Lgth (Length) [01...48]
This specifies the length of the arpeggio pattern. After the
note value specified by “Reso” occurs for the number of
times specified here, the pattern will return to the beginning.
This parameter is not valid for preset patterns Preset-0–Pre-
Reso (Resolution) [ , , , , , ]
Oct (Octave) [1, 2, 3, 4]
Sort [Off, On]
Latch [Off, On]
K.Sync (Key Sync.) [Off, On]
Kbd (Keyboard) [Off, On]
☞PROG 7: Ed–Arp/Ctrls “Setup(Arpeg. Setup)”
“Pat,” “ (Tempo),” “Oct,” “Reso,” “Sort,” “Latch,”
“K.Sync,” and “Kbd” are parameters that can be set in
Program, Combination, multi set, but you can also set
them here.
If you move here from Program or Combination mode
and set these parameters, you must return to the origi-
nal mode and write them. These parameters cannot be
written by the “Write Arpeggio Patterns” command in
this page.
5–1c: Arpeggio Pattern Setup
These parameters are not valid for preset patterns Pre-
Type (Arpeggio Type) [As Played...Up&Down]
This specifies the correspondence between the arpeggio
notes specified from the keyboard and the Tone at each step.
As Played: If there are more Tones in a step than arpeggio
notes specified (notes played on the keyboard), those steps
will not sound.
As Played (Fill): If there are more Tones in a step than
arpeggio notes specified (notes played on the keyboard), the
last arpeggio note (the last-played note if “Sort” is Off, or
the highest note if “Sort” is On) will sound for those steps.
Running Up: If there are more Tones in a step than arpeggio
notes specified (notes played on the keyboard), the arpeggio
will return to the first note (the first-pressed note if “Sort” is
Off, or the lowest note is “Sort” is On) and sound it.
Up&Down: If there are more Tones in a step than arpeggio
notes specified (notes played on the keyboard), the arpeggio
will return in reverse direction from the last arpeggio note
back toward the first.
If you set “Lgth” to 04, “Step” 01 to Tone0, “Step” 02 to
Tone1,” “Step” 03 to Tone2, “Step” 04 to Tone3, and
simultaneously play three notes to produce an arpeggio,
the following results will be produced depending on the
As Played: 0 → 1 → 2 → rest → 0 → 1 → 2 → rest → 0 ...
As Played (Fill): 0 → 1 → 2 → 2 → 0 → 1 → 2 → 2 → 0 ...
Running Up: 0 → 1 → 2 → 0 → 0 → 1 → 2 → 0 → 0 ...
Up&Down: 0 → 1 → 2 → 1 → 0 → 1 → 2 → 1 → 0 ...
Octave Motion [Up, Down, Both, Parallel]
Specifies the operation when “Oct” is set to 2–4 octaves.
Up: Notes will repeatedly ascend within the specified range
of octaves.
Down: Notes will repeatedly descend within the specified
number of octaves.
Both: Notes will repeatedly ascend and descend within the
specified number of octaves.
Parallel: The notes of the specified octaves will sound simul-
5–1d: Fixed Note, Mode, Tone No., Fixed
Note No.
Fixed Note [Off, On]
Specifies the Tone type (the “●” or “❍” displays in 5–2) of
the arpeggio pattern.
Off (unchecked): This is the normal arpeggiator type. The
Tone pitches will be expanded into an arpeggio based on the
note number played on the keyboard.
On (checked): You can specify the note number for each
Tone. The note numbers from the keyboard will be ignored
for the purposes of the Tone pitch, and the arpeggio will be
sounded using the note numbers specified for each Tone.
The note numbers from the keyboard will only control the
timing at which the arpeggiator is triggered. This setting is
suitable for arpeggio patterns used for drum patterns etc.
The Tone indication in 5–2: Arp.Pattern, Edit page will be
●” if this setting is Off (unchecked), or “❍” if this is On
Mode (Fixed Note Mode)
[Trigger As Played, Trigger All Tones]
Specifies how tones will be triggered when “Fixed Note” is
Trigger As Played: The Tones will be triggered according to
the number of keys pressed.
Trigger All Tones: Pressing a single key will trigger all
Here’s how the drums pattern will sound when “Fixed
Note” is checked. Tone 1 is assigned a note number that
plays a kick sound, Tone 2 a snare, and Tone 3 a hi-hat.
With a setting of Trigger As Played, pressing one key
will sound only Tone 1 (kick). Pressing two keys will
sound Tone 1 (kick) and Tone 2 (snare). Pressing three
keys will sound all three Tones 1–3 (kick, snare, hi-hat). If
the “Vel (Velocity)” of each Tone is set to Key, each Tone
will be sounded at the velocity with which each key was
Preset-0…Preset-4 Preset Arpeggio Patterns
U000...250 Preload user Arpeggio Patterns