8–3b: Control Channel
Control Channel [Ch01...16, All Rt.]
Indicates the MIDI channel that will control effect
dynamic modulation (Dmod), pan following the insert
effect “Pan (CC#8),” “Send1(MFX1),” and
An asterisk “
” will be displayed at the right of the channel
number Ch01–16 for tracks that are routed to an IFX. If mul-
tiple tracks with differing MIDI channel settings are routed,
these channels specify the channel that will be used to con-
trol the effect.
All Rt. (All Routed): Control can be performed from any of
the MIDI channels of the tracks that are routed.
If “BUS Select” (8–1(2)a) is set to DKit for a track in
which a drum program is selected, the MIDI channel of
that track will be valid only if this is set to All Rt.,
regardless of the drum kit “BUS (BUS Select)” (GLO-
BAL 4–3a) setting or the utility setting “DrumKit IFX
8–3c: Routing Map, BUS Select
This specifies the bus to which the program used by each
track 1–16 will be sent.
Routing Map
This displays the settings of the insert effect. The routing,
specified effect name, and on/off status of the insert effect
are displayed.
T01...16: BUS Sel [DKit, L/R, IFX, 1, 2, 1/2, Off]
While viewing the map, you can specify the bus where the
program oscillators for each track 1–16 will be sent.
Use the ClickPoint [√][®][π][†] to select a timbre, and use
the VALUE controller to specify the “BUS Select” (8–1a) set-
ting. You can also make this setting in “BUS Select” (8–1a).
■ 8–3: UTILITY
☞“Write Multi” (0–1), “Copy Insert Effect,” (PROG 8–1),
“DKit IFX Patch” (COMBI 8–1), “Select by Category”
(PROG 8–2)
8–4: IFX (Insert Effect)
Sets the parameters for the effects selected for IFX in the
Setup page (☞p.104–).
■ 8–4: UTILITY
☞“Write Multi” (0–1)
MULTI 9: MasterFX
☞For details on the master effects, refer to p.97 “6. Effect
9–1: Setup
Here you can select the type of master effects, turn them on/
off, and make chain and master EQ settings.
This is the same as Program mode with the exception of
“MFX1 Control Ch,” “MFX2 Control Ch,” and “MEQ Ctrl”
(☞PROG 9: Ed–MasterFX)
9–1a: Master FX Setup
MFX1 On/Off, MFX2 On/Off [Off, On]
Master Effect 1, 2 [00...89: name]
Rtn 1, 2 (Return 1, 2) [000...127]
This is the same as in Program mode. Refer to “PROG 9–1:
Setup.” However, unlike Program mode, the master effects
will be controlled by the MIDI channel specified by “MFX 1,
2 Control Ch.” The control changes used are the same as in
Program mode.
MFX1, 2 Control Ch [Ch01...16, G ch]
Specifies the MIDI channel that will control dynamic
modulation (Dmod) for the master effects.
G ch: The effect will be controlled on the global MIDI chan-
nel “MIDI Channel” (GLOBAL 1–1a).
9–1b: Master FX Chain
MFX Chain [Off, On]
Direction (Chain Direction)
Signal (Chain Signal) [LR Mix, L Only, R Only]
Level (Chain Level) [000...127]
This is the same as in Program mode. Refer to “PROG 9–1:
9–1c: Master EQ Gain [dB]
Low [–18.0...+18.0]
Mid [–18.0...+18.0]
High [–18.0...+18.0]
This is the same as in Program mode. (☞PROG 9–1: Setup)