3–2: MIDI 1–2 (MIDI Filter 1–2)
3–2a: Damper CC#64, Portamento SW
Damper CC#64 [Off, On]
Specifies whether or not MIDI control change message #64
hold (damper pedal) messages will be transmitted and
Portamento SW CC#65 [Off, On]
Specifies whether or not MIDI control change message #65
portamento on/off messages will be transmitted and
■ 3–2: UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (0–1)
3–3: MIDI 1–3 (MIDI Filter 1–3)
3–3a: JS+Y/M.Whl CC#01, JS–Y CC#02
JS+Y/M.Whl CC#01 [Off, On]
Specifies whether MIDI control change CC#1 (the
X50’s [MOD] wheel or a REALTIME CONTROLS B-assign
setting) will be transmitted and received.
microX: Specifies whether MIDI control change CC#1 (the
+Y direction of the microX’s joystick or a REALTIME CON-
TROLS B-assign setting) will be transmitted and received.
JS–Y CC#02 [Off, On]
Specifies whether MIDI control change CC#2 (REAL-
TIME CONTROLS B-mode assignment, or the GLOBAL 0–3:
Foot page “Foot Pedal Assign” set to JS –Y (CC#02) to spec-
ify the function of a foot controller connected to the
ASSIGNABLE PEDAL jack) will be transmitted and
microX: Specifies whether MIDI control change CC#2 (the
–Y direction of the microX’s joystick or a REALTIME CON-
TROLS B-assign setting) will be transmitted and received.
■ 3–3: UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (0–1)
3–4: MIDI 1–4 (MIDI Filter 1–4)
3–4a: JSX/PBend as AMS, Ribbon CC#16
JSX/PBend as AMS [Off, On]
Specifies whether MIDI pitch bend messages (move-
ment of the X50’s [PITCH] wheel) will apply the AMS
(☞p.152 “Alternate Modulation Source”) assigned to Pitch
Bend. (This is not a filter for MIDI pitch bend messages.)
microX: Specifies whether or not MIDI pitch bend mes-
sages (the X axis of microX’s joystick) will be received to
control the AMS (☞p.152 “Alternate Modulation Source”)
effect assigned to JS X. (This is not a filter for MIDI pitch
bend message reception.)
Ribbon CC#16 [Off, On]
MIDI control change message CC#16 (realtime control knob
B-assign, or the assignment of a ribbon controller on a TRI-
TON Extreme or other instrument connected to the MIDI IN
connector) will be transmitted and received.
■ 3–4: UTILITY
☞“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (0–1)