Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Polarity Description
Steel – Carbon & Low Alloy, con’t.
Low Hydrogen, Mild Steel Stick Electrodes, con’t.
7018AC E7018 H8 AC AC? DC? This electrode performs beautifully either way! Lincoln
7018AC is a
DC± great choice for low open circuit voltage AC power sources. Cold restrikes are
no problem with this versatile, all-position electrode.
LH-70 E7018 H4R DC+ A top-choice electrode for welding on thick sections and restrained joints when
AC cracking is an issue. It’s also a good call when the project involves hard-to-weld
steels. Jetweld
LH-70 also offers high deposition rates.
-78 MR E7018 H4R DC+ Great for jobs on mild steel and some high-strength low-alloy steels. It also
AC tolerates high sulfur and high silicon steels. Jet-LH
-78 MR features higher
tensile strength for stress-relieved properties.
7028 E7028 H8 AC If high production and low hydrogen deposits matter, count on Excalibur
DC+ This electrode’s fast, easy restriking characteristics make it great for skip and
tack welding. Good notch toughness down to 0°F (-18°C).
Low Hydrogen, Low Alloy Steel Stick Electrodes
E7018-A1 H4R DC+ Excalibur
7018-A1 MR low hydrogen electrode is an outstanding choice for all
7018-A1 MR AC position welding of 0.50% molybdenum low alloy steels of 50 ksi (345 MPa)
minimum yield strength.
E8018-C1 H4R DC+ Excalibur
8018-C1 MR is the ideal moisture resistant electrode for welding on
8018-C1 MR AC equipment and pipe that transport liquid ammonia, propane and other gases. An
excellent all position electrode for applications requiring a nominal 2-1/4% nickel
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
3/32 6CT(1TB) ED031714
1/8 6CT(1TB) ED031715
3/32 20CT(5CT) ED030568
1/8 20CT(5CT) ED030569
5/32 20CT(5CT) ED031736
3/32 50EO ED031732
1/8 50EO ED031734
5/32 50EO ED031738
3/32 30CT(10EO) ED032582
1/8 30CT(10EO) ED032583
5/32 30CT(10EO) ED032584
3/32 50EO ED010568
1/8 50EO ED010561
5/32 50EO ED010575
3/16 50EO ED010564
7/32 50EO ED010577
1/4 50EO ED010558
3/32 40CT (5CT) ED030174
1/8 40CT (5CT) ED030175
5/32 40CT (5CT) ED030176
3/32 30CT (10EO) ED032585
1/8 30CT (10EO) ED032586
5/32 30CT (10EO) ED032587
3/32 50EO ED015161
1/8 50EO ED015198
5/32 50EO ED015141
3/16 50EO ED015186
7/32 50EO ED015258
1/4 50EO ED015383
5/32 50EO ED032636
3/16 50EO ED032637
7/32 50EO ED032638
3/32 30CT(10EO) ED032593
1/8 30CT(10EO) ED032594
5/32 30CT(10EO) ED032595
3/32 50EO ED030862
1/8 50EO ED030863
5/32 50EO ED030864
3/32 30CT(10EO) ED032596
1/8 30CT(10EO) ED032597
5/32 30CT(10EO) ED032598
3/32 50EO ED030876
1/8 50EO ED030877
5/32 50EO ED030878
3/16 50EO ED030879
7/32 50EO ED030881
1/4 50EO ED030880
Stick Electrode, con’t.
Package Code Key: CT = Cardboard Carton EO = Easy Open Hermetic Can TB = Tube