MIG Wires, con’t.
Electrode AWS General
Name Class Description
Low Alloy Wire, con’t.
LA-90 ER80S-D2 SuperArc
LA-90 is our premium copper coated, low alloy MIG wire manufactured to meet
ER90S-D2 tensile strength requirements of 80,000 to 90,000 psi (552-620 MPa) minimum. The addition
(ER90S-G) of 0.5% molybdenum provides strength after stress relief. Ideal selection when welding
ASTM A182, A217, A234 and A335 high temperature pipe, fittings, flanges and valves and
A336 pressure vessel forgings. Best mechanical properties are achieved with an 98-95%
argon, 2-5% oxygen shielding gas blend.
LA-100 ER100S-G SuperArc
LA-100, our premium copper coated, low alloy MIG wire is designed for use on
ER110S-G 100,000 psi (690 MPa) tensile base material and those materials that require a minimum
MIL-100S-1 yield strength of 82,000 psi (565 MPa). Excellent for welding on ASTM A514, A543, A724
(Military) and A782 quenched and tempered plate or HY-80 base material. LA-100 provides excellent
impact properties under higher heat input conditions. Best mechanical properties are
achieved with an 98-95% argon, 2-5% oxygen shielding gas blend or 95% argon, 5% CO
Also meets MIL-E-23765/2C, /2D, /2E specifications as a MIL-100S-1 classification.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
.035 33SSP ED031413
.045 33SSP ED031414
.035 44SSP EDS30775
.045 44SSP EDS30776
.052 44SSP EDS30777
.035 44FS ED029546
.035 60C ED011088
.045 60C ED014779
1/16 60C ED013999
.045 60FS EDS01380
.035 500AD EDS01372
.045 500AD ED001378
.052 500AD ED026627
.045 1000R ED014828
.052 1000R EDS01383
.035 1000AR EDS29593
.045 1000AR EDS29594
.052 1000AR EDS29595
.035 1000AD EDS29590
.045 1000AD ED029591
.052 1000AD EDS29592
.045 33SSP ED031417
.035 44SSP EDS30778
.045 44SSP EDS30779
.052 44SSP EDS30780
.045 60C ED010993
1/16 60C ED010996
.035 500AD ED031445
.045 500AD EDS01162
Our MicroGuard
Ultra surface treatment, with proprietary arc enhancement agents, facilitates excellent weld
puddle control, very good wetting action, straight bead edges and a wider operating range. Plus, the exceptional
feeding characteristics of SuperArc
, made possible by MicroGuard
Ultra surface treatment,
translate to reduced down-time and high operator appeal.
Package Code Key: AD = Accu-Trak
Drum AP = Accu-Pak
Box AR = Accu-Trak
Reel C = Coil CT = Cardboard Carton FS = Fiber Spool
R = Speed Feed
Reel SP = Plastic Spool SSP = Steel Spool VR = Vertical Reel