Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Polarity Description
Blue Max
MIG Wires
Blue Max
ER307* DC+ Blue Max
LNM 307 is a austenitic stainless steel MIG wire for steels that are
LNM 307 difficult to weld and dissimilar metals. Extra manganese is added to improve
hot-cracking resistance.
Blue Max
MIG ER308Si, DC+ Blue Max
MIG 308LSi is designed for joining type 304 and 304L stainless steels
308LSi ER308LSi and other common austenitic stainless steels referred to as “18-8” steels.
Optimized for chemistry, arc performance and feedability.
Blue Max
MIG ER309Si, DC+ Blue Max
MIG 309LSi is designed for joining stainless steels to carbon steels or
309LSi ER309LSi low alloy steels. Optimized for chemistry, arc performance and feedability.
Blue Max
MIG ER316Si, DC+ Blue Max
MIG 316LSi is designed for joining extra low carbon molybdenum
316LSi ER316LSi bearing austenitic stainless steels, such as type 316 and 316L. Optimized for
chemistry, arc performance and feedability.
Blue Max
ER347Si DC+ Blue Max
LNM 347Si is an austenitic stainless steel MIG wire consumable for
LNM 347Si welding Ti or Cb (Nb) stabilized CrNi steels. The resistance to intergranular
corrosion and oxidizing environments is excellent.
Blue Max
ER2209 DC+ Blue Max
LNM 4462 is a duplex stainless steel MIG wire for welding 2205
LNM 4462 duplex stainless steel base materials. The high chromium and molybdenum
content provides resistance against pitting and stress corrosion, as well as
general corrosion.
Blue Max
ER2553 DC+ Blue Max
LNM Zeron 100X is a stainless steel MIG wire for welding 2507 super
LNM Zeron 100X duplex base materials. Welds made with LNM Zeron 100X have high resistance
against pitting and crevice corrosion.
Blue Max
ER385 DC+ Blue Max
LNM 4500 is a fully austenitic stainless steel MIG wire for welding
LNM 4500 904L, or equivalent stainless steels. Welds have high corrosion resistance to
phosphoric acid and sulfuric acid applications.
LNM NiCro 60/20 ERNiCrMo-3 DC+ LNM NiCro 60/20 is a nickel-based MIG wire. Its chemical composition is similar
to Alloy 625. It is suitable for both high and low temperature applications, as well
as corrosive environment applications.
LNM NiCroMo 60/16 ERNiCrMo-4 DC+ LMN NiCroMo 60/16 GMAW wire is designed for welding CrMoW-alloyed nickel
alloys, such as C-276. Weld deposit is extremely resistant to corrosion environ-
ments containing sulphuric acid and chlorides and is also applicable for surfacing
in high temperature applications (up to 1200˚C)
Blue Max
ERNiCr-3 DC+ Blue Max
LNM NiCro 70/19 is a nickel-based MIG wire for welding nickel-base
LNM NiCro 70/19 alloys such as Alloys 600 and 601. The chemical composition gives it a high
resistance against oxidation. Welds made with LNM NiCro 70/19 also have
excellent impact toughness at low temperatures.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
(1.0 mm) 33SSP ED031325
(1.2 mm) 33SSP ED031326
.030 25SP ED023961
.035 25SP ED019292
.045 25SP ED019293
1/16 25SP ED019294
.035 500AD ED029768
.045 500AD ED029769
.030 25SP ED023962
.035 25SP ED019295
.045 25SP ED019296
1/16 25SP ED019297
.035 500AD ED029770
.045 500AD ED029771
.030 25SP ED023963
.035 25SP ED019298
.045 25SP ED019299
1/16 25SP ED019300
.035 500AD ED029772
.045 500AD ED029773
(1.0 mm) 33SSP ED031351
(1.2 mm) 33SSP ED031352
(1.2 mm) 11SP ED031784
(1.0 mm) 33SSP ED031302
(1.2 mm) 33SSP ED031303
(1.2 mm) 27.5SSP ED031317
(1.2 mm) 33SSP ED031329
(0.9 mm) 33SSP ED032158
(1.0 mm) 33SSP ED032159
(1.2 mm) 33SSP ED032160
(0.9 mm) 33SSP ED032149
(1.0 mm) 33SSP ED032150
(1.2 mm) 33SSP ED032151
(1.0 mm) 33SSP ED031379
(1.2 mm) 33SSP ED031380
Stainless, Nickel & High Alloy Wires
Blue Max
stainless steel MIG wires can be used for all position welding. Globular and spray transfer are recommended
for downhand and horizontal only. Short circuiting mode and pulsed arc can be used for out of position welding. Gas
shielding mixtures recommended are either Argon and Oxygen blend for spray and pulsed transfer, or a Helium-rich
blend for short circuiting and STT
Package Code Key: AD = Accu-Trak
Drum SP = Plastic Spool SSP = Steel Spool
* Nearest classification