Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Polarity Description
MIG (GMAW) Wires
ER70S-G Pipeliner
70S-G MIG (GMAW) wire electrode is especially intended for the
70S-G needs of semiautomatic and automatic root pass pipe welding. Pipeliner
70S-G exhibits a fluid weld puddle for excellent wash-in at the weld toes,
and a very uniform bead shape. Well suited for use on API 5L-X56 through
X70 pipe.
ER80S-G Pipeliner
80S-G MIG (GMAW) wire electrode is especially intended for the needs
80S-G of semiautomatic and automatic root pass pipe welding. Pipeliner
80S-G exhibits
a fluid weld puddle for excellent wash-in at the weld toes, and a very uniform
bead shape. Well suited for use on API 5L-X56 through X80 pipe.
Self-Shielded Flux-Cored (FCAW-S) Wires
E71T8-K6 DC- Optimum performance on vertical down hot, fill and cap passes on standard cross-
-207+ country pipelines and arctic grade pipe. Excellent crack resistance, CTOD, and
Charpy V-Notch properties. Recommended for API Pipe Grades X42 through X70.
E81T8-6 DC- Pipeliner
-208XP is recommended for hot, fill and cap pass welding of up
-208XP to X70 grade pipe with x-ray quailty, superior arc performance, outstanding
mechanical properties and micro-alloying designed to minimize the occurrence
of outlying low temperature impact properties for fracture critical applications.
Consistently exceeds Charpy V-Notch requirements at sub-zero Centigrade
temperature. All-position welding, except vertical-up.
Gas-Shielded Flux-Cored (FCAW-G) Wires
E71T-1MJH8 DC+ Pipeliner
G70M is designed to deliver outstanding weld properties for semi-
G70M E71T-9MJH8 75-80% Ar/ automatic applications. Robust impacts mean consistently high Charpy V-Notch
balance CO
E71T-1MJH8 DC+ Pipeliner
G70M is specifically designed for use with the Autoweld
E71T-9MJH8 75-80% Ar/ pipe welding system to deliver outstanding weld properties.
G70M balance CO
E101T1-GM-H8 DC+ Pipeliner
G80M is recommended for hot, fill and cap pass welding of up to
G80M 75-80% Ar/ X80 grade pipe with x-ray quality, superior arc performance and outstanding
balance CO
mechanical properties. All-position welding, except vertical-down.
E111T1-K3 MJ H4 DC+ Pipeliner
G90M is recommended for hot, fill and cap pass welding of up to
G90M 75-90% Ar/ X90 grade pipe with x-ray quality, superior arc performance and outstanding
balance CO
mechanical properties. All-position welding, except vertical-down.
Diameter Package Product
in. (mm) Weight Lbs. Number
.045 (1.2) 10SP(VFB) ED030904
.045 (1.2) 30SP(VFB) ED030905
.045 (1.2) 10SP(VFB) ED031493
.045 (1.2) 30SP(VFB) ED031494
5/64 (2.0) 56HS(14C) ED030924
5/64 (2.0) 56HS(14C) ED031968
.045 (1.2) 10SP(VFB) ED030926
.045 (1.2) 25SP(VFB) ED030927
.052 (1.4) 10SP(VFB) ED030928
.045 (1.2) 10SP(VFB) ED031107
.045 (1.2) 25SP(VFB) ED031931
.045 (1.2) 25SP(VFB) ED031931
Package Code Key: C = Coil HS = Hermetically Sealed Pail SP = Plastic Spool SSP = Steel Spool VFB = Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag
NOTE: Pipeliner
electrodes are manufactured under lot control. A Certificate of Test showing actual deposit chemistry and mechanical properties are available on www.lincolnelectric.com for every lot.