Electrode General
Name Description
Fluxes – Active
760 760 is recommended for applications where porosity caused by arc blow is a problem. In addition, it produces excellent
appearance on flat fillet welds when using a constant voltage power source.
761 Lincolnweld
761 weld deposits are usually low carbon, fairly high manganese, have superior crack-resistance, and when
used with L-61 electrode, produce excellent impact resistance on single pass welds. The slower freezing of 761 slag
gives good appearance on large flat fillet welds using either constant or variable voltage power sources.
780 Lincolnweld
780 has excellent performance characteristics, including very good slag removal, making it the most common
choice for a variety of applications. The faster freezing of 780 slag minimizes spilling on roundabouts.
781 Does your single pass welding application have a need for speed? Lincolnweld
781 is recommended for making high
speed, single pass welds on clean plate and sheet steel. The good "wetting" action provides the “Fast-Follow”
characteristics needed to make uniform welds at high speed without undercut or voids. 781 should not be used for
welding steel contaminated with rust, oil or mill scale.
Fluxes – Neutral
The primary use for Neutral Fluxes is for multiple-pass welding applications.
860 Lincolnweld
860 has excellent operating characteristics and produces good impact properties when used with L-60 or L-61
electrodes. 860/L-70 and 860/LA-71 deposits produce 70 ksi tensile strength after stress relieving. 860 is the recommended
flux for most double ending applications.
865 Lincolnweld
865 is a general purpose flux designed to weld butt joints and flat and horizontal fillets. 865 produces 70 ksi
tensile strength as welded or after short or long term stress relief. 865 flux should be used with L-50 electrode for optimum
impact properties, resistance to rust porosity, & resistance to pockmarking. L-61 may be used on steel free of scale & rust.
880 880 flux is recommended for use with solid low alloy steel electrodes with a minimum 0f 0.20% silicon for proper
deoxidation and bead appearance. It is also used with the Lincolnweld
LAC series of low alloy flux-cored electrodes,
with Lincore
30-S, 35-S, and 50 flux-cord hardfacing electrodes. 880 should not be used with single arc AC welders.
880M Lincolnweld
880M is recommended for welding with solid carbon steel and low alloy steel electrodes, with Lincoln’s
LAC series of low alloy flux-cored electrode. 880M is designed to produce the excellent mechanical properties, including
CTOD’s and low temperature impacts, required on many applications. This includes the welding of HY-80 steel with
LA-100 electrode. 880M is used in applications requiring 70 ksi tensile strength in the stress relieved
condition. Using electrodes containing less than 0.20% silicon with 880M may result in narrow beads, poor appearance,
increased pocking and porosity.
882 Lincolnweld
882 is recommended for welding with solid carbon and low alloy steel electrodes. It may be used with
electrodes containing low silicon. When used with L-61 electrode it produces deposits with a minimum of 70 ksi tensile
strength in the as welded condition and excellent low temperature impacts.
888 Lincolnweld
888 is a highly basic flux designed for joining mild steel and low alloy steels for critical applications that
require excellent mechanical properties with robust low temperature impact and fracture toughness. It has Best-in-Class
diffusible hydrogen levels and slag removal in deep groove and narrow gap applications and can be used for as welded,
stress relieved and step cooling applications.
MIL800-H MIL800-H can be used to obtain excellent mechanical properties including low temperature impacts and very low levels
of diffusible hydrogen. The typical level of diffusible hydrogen is less than 2ml/100 grams of weld metal deposited. This
includes the welding of HY-80 and HSLA-80 steel with LA-100 electrode. MIL800-H is qualified to MIL-E-23765/2D (Amd.1)
as a MIL-100S-2F flux when used with LA-100 electrode. MIL800-H is recommended or both single and multiple electrode
8500 Lincolnweld
8500 is recommended for multi-pass welding with solid mild steel and low alloy electrodes. 8500 flux can be
used to obtain excellent mechanical properties, including low temperature impacts and CTOD’s 8500 flux is recommended
for both single and multiple electrode welding. 8500 flux is not recommended as a general purpose or horizontal fillet
welding flux for carbon steel.
Package Product
Weight Lbs. Number
50B ED019584
50B ED019585
50B ED019586
550D ED032007
50B ED019587
50B ED019589
50B EDS27857
50B ED027866
550D ED028322
50PLB ED031853
50B ED027859
50PLB ED031596
50HS ED020925
50PLB ED031854
Submerged Arc
Package Code Key: B = Bag BB = Bulk Bag D = Speed Feed
Drum (wire) or Steel Drum (flux) FB = Foil Bag HS = Hermetically Sealed Pail
PLB = Plastic Bag