Electrode Hardness General
Name Rockwell C Description
BU 23-28 For carbon and low alloy steels. Builds up worn steel parts to produce tough, forgeable,
machinable surfaces of moderate hardness.
BU-30 31-38 Moderate hardness to resist shock. Used as final overlay on parts which must be machined
or forged. For mild, medium carbon, low alloy and high tensile steels.
Metal-To-Metal Wear
MM 52-58 Martensitic deposit. Heat treatable weld metal. Can be tempered, annealed. Can be used on
carbon and low alloy steels.
MI 50-58 Provides wear-resistant surface of martensite, with substantial retained austenite. Resists
metal-to-metal wear, impact, mild abrasion. Can be used on carbon and low alloy steels.
Severe Abrasion
60 60-65 Excellent abrasion resistance. Fuses to carbon, low alloy, stainless, and manganese steel.
Limit 2 layers. Use Wearshield
BU, Mangjet
or 15CrMn for preliminary layer(s).
70 69 Resists very severe abrasion at temperatures up to 1400°F (760°C). Use with mild, low alloy,
stainless and austenitic manganese steels. Limit 2 layers.
ME 49-59 Use on carbon and low alloy steels, cast iron, austenitic manganese and austenitic stainless
steels. Use Wearshield
BU or 15CrMn for preliminary layer(s).
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
5/32 6CT(1TB) ED031471
5/32 40CT(10CT) ED021991
3/16 40CT(10CT) ED021993
5/32 50CT ED021992
3/16 50CT ED021994
1/4 50CT ED021995
(3.2 mm) 40CT(10CT) ED024943
(4.0 mm) 40CT(10CT) ED024944
(5.0 mm) 50CT ED024945
(3.2 mm) 40CT(10CT) ED021986
(4.0 mm) 40CT(10CT) ED021988
(3.2 mm) 50CT ED021987
(4.0 mm) 50CT ED021989
(5.0 mm) 50CT ED021990
1/8 40CT(10CT) ED022003
5/32 40CT(10CT) ED022005
3/16 40CT(10CT) ED022007
1/8 50CT ED022004
5/32 50CT ED022006
3/16 50CT ED022008
1/4 50CT ED022009
1/8 18CT(3TB) ED025113
1/8 40CT(10CT) ED022010
5/32 40CT(10CT) ED022011
3/16 40CT(10CT) ED022012
(3.2 mm) 40CT(10CT) ED024951
(4.0 mm) 40CT(10CT) ED024952
(5.0 mm) 40CT(10CT) ED024953
1/8 18CT(3TB) ED025111
1/8 40CT(10CT) ED023323
5/32 40CT(10CT) ED023324
3/16 40CT(10CT) ED023325
1/8 50CT ED023326
5/32 50CT ED023327
3/16 50CT ED023328
Package Code Key: CT = Cardboard Carton EO = Easy Open Hermetic Can TB = Tube
Hardfacing Stick Electrode