Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Polarity Description
Cellulosic All Position Stick (SMAW) Electrodes
E6010 DC± Pipeliner
6P+ is an all-position cellulosic pipe electrode designed especially for
6+ vertical down root pass welding. This electrode is based on a long-time favorite
among cross-country pipeline welders.
E7010-P1 DC± Pipeliner
7P+ is recommended for root, hot, fill and cap pass welding of up to
7P+ X65 grade pipe with x-ray quality, superior arc performance and outstanding
mechanical properties. All-position welding.
E8010-P1 DC+ Here’s an electrode that makes short work of even the most challenging high
8P+ silicon pipe applications! Pipeliner
8P+ is an outstanding choice for API 5L-X56
through X70 grade pipe. This electrode features high stacking efficiency—
formulated to carry and deposit weld metal in difficult vertical down out-of-
position applications.
Low Hydrogen Stick (SMAW) Electrodes
E7016 H4 DC+ We designed this quality electrode for optimum performance for vertical up
16P AC welding of pipe up to API 5L-X65 – especially where a low hydrogen deposit
is desired. Obtain Charpy V-Notch impact values down to temperatures of
-20°F (-29°C).
E7018-1 H4R DC+ Pipeliner
17P is recommended for fill and cap pass vertical-up welding of up
17P AC to X65 grade pipe with x-ray quality, superior arc performance, excellent slag
removal and outstanding mechanical properties. All-position welding, except
vertical down.
E8018-G H4 DC+ A real workhorse for vertical up welding jobs up to X80 pipe! Pipeliner
18P AC offers low temperature impact properties down to -50°F (-46°C).
E10018-G H4R DC+ Pipeliner
19P is recommended for fill and cap pass vertical-up welding of up
19P AC to X80 grade pipe with x-ray quality, superior arc performance, excellent slag
removal and outstanding mechanical properties. All-position welding, except
vertical down.
E12018-G H4R DC+ Pipeliner
20P is recommended for fill and cap pass vertical-up welding of up
20P AC to X100 grade pipe with x-ray quality, superior arc performance, excellent slag
removal and outstanding mechanical properties. All-position welding, except
vertical down.
E8045-P2 H4R DC+ Choose Pipeliner
LH-D80 electrode when you need a dependable stick (SMAW)
LH-D80 electrode for vertical down low hydrogen welding on pipe up to X70. Operators
appreciate the unique slag system that facilitates easy puddle control with
virtually no slag interference.
E9045-P2 H4R DC+ The product of choice for vertical down, low hydrogen pipe welding for fill and
LH-D90 cap passes of high strength pipe up to X80. Operators will appreciate this
electrode’s unique “hot start” tip with out-standing puddle control.
E10045-P2 H4R DC+ When the job calls for vertical down, low hydrogen welding on X-100 pipe,
LH-D100 operators the world over reach for this dependable Lincoln electrode. The unique
“hot start” tip minimizes starting porosity. Great low temperature impacts and
outstanding tensile strength.
Diameter Package Product
mm Weight Lbs. Number
(2.5 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032609
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032610
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032611
(3.2 mm) 50EO ED030848
(4.0 mm) 50EO ED030849
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032612
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032613
(5.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032614
(3.2 mm) 50EO ED031611
(4.0 mm) 50EO ED031612
(5.0 mm) 50EO ED031613
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032615
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032616
(5.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032617
(3.2 mm) 50EO ED030826
(4.0 mm) 50EO ED030827
(5.0 mm) 50EO ED030828
(2.5 mm) 50EO ED030916
(3.2 mm) 50EO ED030917
(4.0 mm) 50EO ED030918
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032618
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032619
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032620
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032621
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032622
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032623
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032624
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032625
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032248
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032249
(4.5 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032250
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032251
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032252
(4.5 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032253
(3.2 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032254
(4.0 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032255
(4.5 mm) 30CT(10EO) ED032256
Package Code Key: C = Coil CT = Cardboard Carton EO = Easy Open Hermetic Can HS = Hermetically Sealed Pail SP = Plastic Spool
SSP = Steel Spool VFB = Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag
NOTE: Pipeliner
electrodes are manufactured under lot control. A Certificate of Test showing actual deposit chemistry and mechanical properties is available on www.lincolnelectric.com for every lot.