Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Polarity Description
Red Baron
Stainless Steel Stick Electrode
Red Baron
E308L-16 DC+ Red Baron
308L MR is a low carbon version of Red Baron
308/308H MR, which
308L MR AC gives it better resistance to intergranular corrosion than the higher carbon
deposits. A good all-position stick electrode, except vertical down.
Red Baron
E308-15, DC+ Slag control is second to none with this stick electrode. Designed specially for
308/308L-V MR E308L-15 vertical down welding of 304 and 304L stainless steels. Can also be used on other
common austenitic stainless steels referred to as “18-8” steels. Low heat input
makes this stick electrode great for joining thin gauge materials and pipe.
Red Baron
E308-16, DC+ Red Baron
308/308H MR is intended for joining 304 and 304L stainless steels.
308/308H MR E308H-16 AC Can also be used on other common austenitic stainless steels referred to as
stainless. Improved high temperature strength and exceptional all-position
“18-8” welding capability, except vertical down.
Red Baron
E309-16, DC+ This stick electrode is designed for joining stainless steels to carbon steels or
309/309L MR E309L-16 AC stainless steels to low alloy steels. All-position electrode, except vertical down.
Red Baron
E309-15, DC+ Slag control is second to none with this stick electrode, designed specially for
309/309L-V MR E309L-15 vertical down welding of stainless steels to carbon steels or stainless steels to
low alloy steels. Low heat input makes this stick electrode a great choice for
joining thin gauge materials and pipe.
Red Baron
E310-16 DC+ Red Baron
310 MR electrode has a very high alloy content consisting of 25%
310 MR AC chromium and 20% nickel. Ideal for joining types 310S and 310H wrought and
type CK-20 castings in all welding positions, except vertical down.
Red Baron
E316-16 DC+ Red Baron
316/316L is designed for welding extra low carbon molybdenum
316/316L MR E316L-16 bearing austenitic stainless steels, such as type 316 and 316L. Welds in all
positions, except vertical down.
Red Baron
E316-15, DC+ Red Baron
316/316L-V MR is designed specially for vertical down welding of
316/316L-V MR E316L-15 extra low carbon molybdenum bearing austenitic stainless steels, such as type
316 and 316L. The low heat input of this electrode makes it a great choice for
joining thin gauge materials and pipe.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
3/32 8EO ED020388
1/8 10EO ED020389
5/32 10EO ED020390
3/16 10EO ED020391
3/32 40/5CT ED020392
1/8 40/5CT ED020393
5/32 40/5CT ED020394
3/32 8EO ED025079
1/8 8EO ED025080
3/32 8EO ED020397
1/8 10EO ED020398
5/32 10EO ED020399
3/16 10EO ED020400
3/32 8EO ED020401
1/8 10EO ED020402
5/32 10EO ED020403
3/16 10EO ED020404
3/32 40/5CT ED020405
1/8 40/5CT ED020406
5/32 40/5CT ED020407
3/32 8EO ED025081
1/8 8EO ED025082
3/32 8EO ED020410
1/8 10EO ED020411
5/32 10EO ED020412
3/32 8EO ED025083
1/8 10EO ED025084
5/32 10EO ED025085
3/16 10EO ED025086
3/32 8EO ED025087
1/8 8EO ED025088
Stainless, Nickel & High Alloy Stick Electrode
Red Baron
electrodes have a distinctive red coating. This coating is uniquely formulated for outstanding resistance
to moisture pick-up and resulting starting porosity. Optimized for all position welding.
Package Code Key: CT = Cardboard Carton EO = Easy Open Hermetic Can