DSM250 User’s Manual
Page 40 Revision 1.4.16a
• Compass Rose (see Section 7.2 on page 199)
• Gauge (see Section 7.3 on page 200)
• GPS Status (see Section 7.4 on page 201)
• Numeric (see Section 7.5 on page 202)
• Rolling Road (see Section 7.6 on page 203)
Line Graph (see 7.7 on page 204).
Weather Screen (see Section 7.8 on page 204)
• Wind Rose (see Section 7.9 on page 206)
• Moon Phase (see Section 7.10 on page 206)
Trim Tab (see Section 7.11 on page 206)
Swing Meter (see Section 7.12 on page 207)
• Tank Gauge (see Section 7.13 on page 207) Instance
Instance is used to specify which product on the network will be used as the source of the displayed
information. For example, there may be two GPS’s on the network each of which will have a unique
instance assuming the network has been properly configured. You use the instance field to tell the
DSM250 which GPS to use for displaying data. Most of the time, the DSM250 simply displays a
single parameter from a device on the network so you will only see one “Instance” entry. There are
other parameters that the DSM250 displays that are a combination of information from multiple
products on the network. For example, fuel economy is a combination of fuel rate and Speed Over
Ground (SOG) so you will see two “Instance” entries, one to specify the engine(s) and one to specify
the GPS for SOG. Alert
In setting up the Anchor Watch display type, this field is used to specify the associated Anchor Watch
Alert priority. The list from which the selection is made will be limited to the list of Anchor Watch Alerts
already created in the system. Title
Each display type has a user defi
ned title that is displayed above the control. The contents of the title
are specified in this field. There are three options:
• Default – the title of the control is the same as the name of the parameter being displayed.
• Label – the label of the parameter. The label is programmed into the remote device, and will be
transferred to the title when it is received from the remote device. This means that if the label
of the remote device is changed, the title of the control will be automatically updated to match
the new label.
• Custom – the title is entered by the user using the method described in section 3.3.4.
5.2.7 Units Menu
The Units Menu allows you to set the desired display units for the DSM250. The following sections
provide more detail on the individual unit settings.