Date/Time Settings
Use the Date/Time Settings page to specify the date and time for the Dominion KX II. There are
two ways to do this:
• Manually set the date and time, or
• Synchronize with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
To set the date and time:
1. Select Device Settings > Date/Time. The Date/Time Settings page opens:
Figure 60: Date/Time Settings
2. Select your time zone from the Time Zone drop-down list.
3. Select the method you would like to use to set the date and time:
• User Specified Time. Select this option to input the date and time manually.
• Synchronize with NTP Server. Select this option to synchronize the date and time with
the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
4. For the User Specified Time option, enter the date and time as follows:
a. Select the Month from the drop-down list.
b. Type the Day of the Month.
c. Type the Year in yyyy format.
d. Enter the Time in hh:mm format (using a 24-hour clock).
5. For the Synchronize with NTP Server option:
a. Enter the IP address of the Primary Time server.
b. (Optional) Enter the IP address of the Secondary Time server.
6. Click OK.