Tools Menu
From the Tools menu, you can specify certain options for use with the Virtual KVM Client:
synchronize mouse when in dual mouse mode, enable logging, keyboard type, and the exit target
screen resolution mode hotkey.
To set the tools options:
1. Select Tools > Options. The Options window opens:
Figure 37: (Tools) Options
2. Check the Enable Logging checkbox only if directed to by Technical Support. This option
creates a log file in your home directory.
3. Select the Keyboard Type from the drop-down list (if necessary). The options include:
• US/International
• French (France)
• German (Germany)
• Japanese
• United Kingdom
• Korean (Korea)
4. Exit Target Screen Resolution Mode - Hotkey. When you enter target screen resolution
mode, the display of the target server becomes full screen and acquires the same resolution as
the target server. This is the hotkey used for exiting this mode; select from the drop-down list.
5. Exit Single Cursor Mode - Hotkey. When you enter single cursor mode, only the target
server mouse cursor is visible. This is the hotkey used to exit single cursor mode and bring
back the client mouse cursor; select from the drop-down list.
6. Click OK.