
KX Diagnostics
Note: This page is for use by Raritan Field Engineers or when you are directed by Raritan
Technical Support.
KX Diagnostics downloads the diagnostics information from Dominion KX II to the client
machine. Three operations can be performed on this page:
Command Line Interface. Enable or disable the Command Line Interface functionality.
With this feature, a Raritan Technical Support engineer can open a standard SSH client,
connect to the unit, and remotely execute diagnostic functions.
Diagnostics Scripts. Execute a special script provided by Raritan Technical Support
during a critical error debugging session. The script is uploaded to the unit and executed.
Once this script has been executed, you can download the diagnostics messages through
the Save to File button.
KX Diagnostic Log. Download the snapshot of diagnostics messages from the KX II
unit to the client. This encrypted file is then sent to Raritan Technical Support; only
Raritan can interpret this file.
Note: This page is accessible only by users with administrative privileges.
To run the KX II System diagnostics:
1. Select Diagnostics > KX Diagnostics. The KX Diagnostics page opens.
Figure 95: KX Diagnostics
2. To enable the Command Line Interface for use by Raritan Technical Support:
Note: UDP Port 21 is required for this feature.
a. Check the Enable Command Line Interface for KX Diagnostics checkbox.
b. Click OK.