♦ If DHCP is used, enter the Preferred host name (DHCP only). Up to 63
Network Miscellaneous Settings
Figure 58: Network Settings (Network Miscellaneous Settings)
• Discovery Port. Dominion KX II discovery occurs over a single, configurable TCP Port. The
default is Port 5000, but you can configure it to use any TCP port except 80 and 443. To
access the KX II unit from beyond a firewall, your firewall settings must enable two-way
communication through the default port 5000 or a non-default port configured here. For more
information, refer to
Configure Network Firewall Settings.
• Bandwidth Limit. The default is no limit. Select from among the options in the drop-down
list to set a maximum amount of bandwidth that can be consumed by this Dominion KX II
unit (for all sessions). The options include: No Limit, 100 Megabit, 10 Megabit, 5 Megabit, 2
Megabit, 512 Kilobit, 256 Kilobit, and 128 Kilobit.
Note: Lower bandwidth may result in slower performance.
LAN Interface Settings
Figure 59: Network Settings (LAN Interface Settings)
• The current parameter settings are identified in the Current LAN interface parameters field.