Managing Favorites
A Favorites feature is provided so you can organize and quickly access the devices you use
frequently. The Favorite Devices section is located in the lower left side (sidebar) of the Port
Access page and provides the ability to:
• Create and manage a list of favorite devices
• Quickly access frequently used devices
• List your Favorites either by name or IP Address
• Discover Dominion KX II devices on its subnet (before and after login)
• Retrieve discovered Dominion KX II devices from the connected KX device (after login)
Note: This feature is available only on the Dominion KX II Remote Console (not the Dominion
KX II Local Console).
Figure 16: Favorite Devices (sidebar)
To access a favorite KX II device:
Click the device name for that device (listed beneath Favorite Devices). A new browser
opens to that device.
To toggle the Favorite Devices list display between name and IP Address:
To display Favorites by IP Address:
Click the Display by IP button.
To display Favorites by name:
Click the Display by Name button.
Favorite Devices
Favorite Devices
currently displayed by
Click Display by IP to
Favorite Devices
currently displayed by IP
Click Display by Name
to toggle