To cancel without saving changes:
Click Cancel.
To reset to factory defaults:
Click Reset to Defaults.
Network Basic Settings
Figure 57: Network Settings (Network Basic Settings)
• Device Name. Type a unique name for the device (up to 16 characters; spaces are not
allowed). Name your device so you can easily identify it. The default name for a Dominion
KX II unit is: “DominionKX”. Remote users will also see this name. However, if an MPC
user has created a Connection Profile for this device, that user will see the Description field
from the Profile instead.
• IP auto configuration. Select from among the options available in the drop-down list:
− None. Use this option if you do not want an auto IP configuration and prefer to set the IP
Address yourself (static IP). This is the default and recommended option.
If this option is selected for the IP auto configuration, the following Network Basic
Settings fields are enabled, allowing you to manually set the IP configuration.
♦ IP Address. The default IP Address is
♦ Subnet Mask. The default subnet mask is
♦ Gateway IP Address. The IP Address for the gateway (if one is used).
♦ Primary DNS Server IP Address. The primary Domain Name Server used to
translate names into IP Addresses.
♦ Secondary DNS Server IP Address. The secondary Domain Name Server used
to translate names into IP Addresses (if one is used).
− DHCP. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is used by networked computers (clients)
to obtain unique IP addresses and other parameters from a DHCP server.