
Color Contrast Settings: Controls the contrast adjustment.
Contrast Red. Controls the red signal.
Contrast Green. Controls the green signal.
Contrast Blue. Controls the blue signal.
If the video image looks extremely blurry or unfocused, the settings for clock and phase
can be adjusted until a better image appears on the active target server.
Warning: Please exercise caution when changing the Clock and Phase
settings; doing so may result in lost or distorted video and you may not
be able to return to the previous state. Contact Raritan Technical
Support before making any changes.
Clock. Controls how quickly video pixels are displayed across the video screen.
Changes made to clock settings cause the video image to stretch or shrink
horizontally; odd number settings are recommended. Under most circumstances this
setting should not be changed because the auto-detect is usually quite accurate.
Phase. Phase values range from 0 to 31 and will wrap around. Stop at the phase value
that produces the best video image for the active target server.
Offset: Controls the on-screen positioning:
Horizontal Offset. Controls the horizontal positioning of the target server display on
your monitor.
Vertical Offset. Controls the vertical positioning of the target server display on your
Auto Color Calibration. Check this option if you would like automatic color calibration.
Video Sensing: Select the video sensing mode:
Best possible video mode: Dominion KX II will perform the full Auto Sense process
when switching targets or target resolutions. Selecting this option calibrates the video
for the best image quality.
Quick sense video mode: With this option, the Dominion KX II will use a quick
video Auto Sense in order to show the target’s video sooner. This option is especially
useful for entering a target server’s BIOS configuration right after a reboot.
3. Click Apply. The Video Settings are changed.
Note: Some Sun background screens, such as screens with very dark borders, may not center
precisely on certain Sun servers. Use a different background or place a lighter colored icon in
the upper left corner of the screen.
To cancel with saving your changes:
Click Cancel.