Language Support
The Dominion KX II provides keyboard support for the following languages: US English, UK
English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, and German.
Note: You can use the keyboard for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean for display only; local
language input is not supported at this time for KX II Local Console functions.
For more information about non-US keyboards, please refer to Appendix C: Informational Notes.
Java® Runtime Environment (JRE)
Important: It is recommended that you disable Java caching and clear the
Java cache. Please refer to your Java documentation or the Raritan Multi-
Platform Client (MPC) and Raritan Remote Client (RRC) User Guide for more
The Dominion KX II Remote Console and MPC require the JRE to function. The Dominion KX
II Remote Console checks the Java version; if the version is incorrect or outdated, you will be
prompted to download a compatible version.
Raritan recommends using Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.5 for optimum
performance, but the Dominion KX II Remote Console and MPC will function with JRE version
1.4.2_05 or greater (with the exception of JRE 1.5.0_02). JRE 1.6 is also supported, but has not
been fully tested.
Note: In order for multi-language keyboards to work in the KX II Remote Console (Virtual KVM
Client) please install the multi-language version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE).