1. Vout programming accuracy
2. Iout programmingaccuracy (*13)
3. Vout programming resolution.
4. Iout programmingresolution
5. Vout readback accuracy
6. Iout readbackaccuracy(*13)
7. Vout readback resolution
8. Iout readbackresolution
2. Over-voltage protection
3. Over-voltage trip point
4. Output undervoltagelimit
5. Over temperature protection
1. Applicablestandards Safety
Morethan 100Mohmat 25°C,70%RH
EN55022B, FCCpart 15-B,VCCI-B
EN55022A, FCCpart 15-A,VCCI-A
2.6PROGRAMMINGANDREADBACK(RS232/485, Optional IEEEInterface)
0.05%+ 0.05%of ratedoutputvoltage.
0.1%of actual output current+ 0.1%of ratedoutput current (for Iout >0.4%of rated Iout to 100%ofratedIout).
0.1%of actual output current+0.4%of rated output current (forIout <0.4%ofratedIout to0.4%of rated Iout).
0.1%+0.1%of rated output voltage
0.1%+0.3%of rated output current
Output shut-downwhen powersupplychanges fromCVto CC. User presetable.
Invertershut-down; manual reset byACinputrecycle,OUT button.
Presetbyfront panelor communicationport. Prevents adjusting Vout belowlimit.Raises thePS_OKsignal incase
output voltageisbelowlimit.
Userselectable,latched or non latched.
Vout/Iout manual adjustby separateencoders. (Coarseandfine adjustment)
OVP/UVL manual adjustbyVolt. Adjust encoder
Address selection byVoltage adjust encoder. No of addresses: 31
Serial or IEEE displayat power-up
Baud rate selection: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200
Re-start modes(AutoRestart, Safe Start)
4 digits, accuracy:0.5%of rated voltage +1 count
30~90%RH (nocondensation).
4 digits, accuracy:0.5%of rated current +1 count
10~95%RH (nocondensation).
Maximum3000m, Derateoutput current by 2%/100mabove2000m. Alternatively, derate maximumambient
temperatureby1 degC/100mabove2000m.
Forcedair cooledby internal fans.
W:214.0H: 43.6 (57.0BenchtopVersion). D:437.5(Refer toOutlinedrawing).
MIL-810E, method514.5test conditionl-3.3
Less than20G, halfsine, 11mS.Units unpacked
UL 60950-1listed,EN60950-1Vout <=40V: Outputis SELV, IEEE/IsolatedAnalogareSELV.
60<Vout <400V:Output is hazardous, IEEE/Isolated analog areSELV
400< Vout< 600V: Output ishazardous,IEEE/Isolated,Analog arenotSELV
Vout <60Vmodels: Input-Outputs(SELV): 3.0KVrms1min, Input-Ground: 2.0KVrms1min.
60 <=Vout< 600Vmodels: Input-Haz,output: 2.5KVrms1min, Input-SELV: 3KVrms1 min, 1900VDC1 min.
HazardousOutput -SELV: 1.9KVrms 1min, Hazardous Output-Ground: 1.9KVrms1 min.