Initialization Control Commands
ADR is followed by address, which can be 0 to 30 and is used to access the
Clear status. Sets FEVE and SEVE registers to zero (refer to Sectio
Reset command. Brings the power supply to a safe and known state:
Output voltage: zero, Remote: non
Output current: zero, Auto
Output: Off, OVP: maximum,
The conditional registers (FLT and STAT) are updated, the other registers are
Sets the power supply to local or remote mode:
RMT 0 or RMT LOC, sets the power supply into Local mode.
RMT 1 or RMT REM, sets the unit into remot
RMT 2 or RMT LLO, sets the unit into Local Lockout mode (latched r
Returns to the Remote mode setting:
The unit is in Local mode.
The unit is in Remote mode.
The unit is in Local Lockout (latched remote)
Returns MD MODE OPTION Status. 1 indicates installed and 0 indicates not i
<CR> is received, the power supply will repeat the last
power supply model identification as an ASCII string:
Returns the software version as an ASCII string.
Returns the unit serial number. Up to 12 characters.
Returns date of last test. Date format: yyyy/mm/dd
Sets the output voltage value in Volts. The range of voltage value is described in
5. The maximum number of characters is 12. See the following exa
for PV n format: PV 12, PV 012, PV 12.0, PV 012.00
Reads the output voltage setting. Returns the string “n” where “n” is the exact
string sent in the PV n command. When in Local mode, returns the PREVIEW
(front panel) settings in a 5 digit string.
Reads the actual output voltage. Retur
Example: 60V supply sends 01.150, 15.012, 50.000, etc…
Set the Output Current value in Amperes. The range of current values is d
scribed in Table 7.6. The maximum number of characters is 12. See the following
mples for PC n format: PC n format: PC 10, PC 10.0, PC 010.00, etc…
Reads the Output Current setting. Returns the string “n” where “n” is the exact
string sent in the PC n command. When in Local mode, returns the PREVIEW
Reads the actual Output Current. Returns a 5 digit string.
Example: 200A supply sends 000.50, 110.12, 200.00, etc…