By hving production processes tht
re mjorly focused in trnsforming
metl nd pplying surfce tret-
ments to metls, lot of “environment
unfriendly” unitry processes re
used nd required such s stmping
or welding, but the most concerning
re those connected to the plting line
nd degresing processes.
• Trining to workers in operting, control
nd contin processes.
• Reducing the number or quntity of
hzrdous nd dngerous mterils.
• Equipment nd process good-keeping
by internl mintennce procedures.
• Optimiztion of opertionl conditions
nd control of processes.
• Reduction of re-processing needs.
• Project nd built processes nd fcilities
prevent nd contin pollution in its source.
• Good storge of mterils to prevent
ccidents with environmentl impct.
• Good storge of mterils nd production
prts to prevent its deteriortion.
• Instlling continment tnks nd isolted
loors in risk res.
• Sving energy in power sources nd mke
the processes energy eicient.
• Introduction of therml isoltion in
the whole building nd process tnk wlls
to void het loss.
• Isoltion of equipments to void the noise
• Sving wter.
This ws done by dopting
the best vilble techniques (BAT)
s preventive t the source of the
pollution emission:
These production processes consume
nturl resources, BODUM® works to
minimize the impcts in:
• Emission of greenhouse gses