Bodum 11195-16 Coffeemaker User Manual

BODUM® ws founded in 1944 by Peter Bodum. Lunching 
new business during the wr wsn’t esy, nd jobs were scrce,
but my fther sensed it ws time to venture out on his own.
He ws incredibly fortunte to be grnted n import license,
nd by the lte 1940s he hd chieved gret success. As he
looked to grow the business, he found new interest in coee
mkers. The compny’s first vcuum coee mker, MOCCA,
ws introduced in the erly fifties, but it wsn’t until 1958 with
the production of the SANTOS Vcuum Coee mker tht
BODUM® becme  household nme for qulity coee products,
nd coee hs been the mjor product group for BODUM®
ever since.
In the 1970s we introduced the now iconic French press,
which continues to be BODUM®’s most populr item. Tody, the
mjority of BODUM® coee mkers re produced t our fctory
in Portugl, where producing the highest qulity products s
well s environmentl responsibility nd sfe working conditions
re of the utmost importnce.
In the yers to come we re focused on expnding BODUM®’s
fctory in Portugl nd moving more nd more BODUM® products
there, this move will mke the entire process from design to
mnufcturing  fmily opertion. Another importnt prt
of the BODUM® line is our collection of electric products tht hve
been introduced over the pst few yers. Centered round coee,
from boiling wter to grinding bens to the perfect utomtic
brew produced by our BISTRO b.over, the collection encompsses
everything the modern kitchen might need.
But no mtter how much we grow, we will lwys reflect on our
core vlue tht form should follow function.