No wonder te hs been the most populr drink fter wter for
centuries. Blck tes, white tes, green tes, herbl tes, fruit
tes, rooibos tes – the options for plesure nd delight re
simply limitless. We hve the right te mker for ll of your te
preferences, including iced te.
Te brewing doesn’t get ny purer thn with the BODUM®te
presses. With this unique system your te is brewed precisely
to your desired strength nd rom. We developed the te press
in collbortion with the English Te Council over 30 yers go
nd we’ve been perfecting it ever since.
BODUM® te presses re mde of the highest qulity borosili-
cte glss – mteril tht doesn’t stin nd is bsolutely neutrl
in tste. The glss llows you to observe the brewing process
nd stop it when it’s exctly right. It’s just fscinting to see ll
the beutiful te colors come to life. The BODUM® te presses re
s much plesure for your eyes s they re for your tste buds.
Our collection of vrious infusers re the perfect mtch when
brewing green tes, rooibos tes nd herbl tes which hve
become more nd more populr. Here, the brewing process does
not necessrily need interruption nd the leves cn be left to
swirl freely in the infuser to develop their full flvor. The filter with
the te leves inside cn be removed to stop the brewing process
nd used gin to re-infuse qulity loose lef te second time.
Green te for exmple cn be reused for up to four times, tken
tht it is high qulity loose lef te.