Prts of The Te Press
Plunger – To stop the brewing
process, simply press down the
plunger mde of stinless steel
with the tip of your inger. The
knob is mde of het-resistnt
plstic nd will keep your ingers
from getting burnt.
Lid – During the brewing process,
plce the lid with the plunger on
top of the te ilter to retin het
during nd fter the te brewing
process. The lid is ttched to the
plunger nd mde of high-polished
stinless steel.
Plunger – Depressing the plunger
keeps the hot wter wy from the
te in order to stop the brewing
process entirely. It is mde of
het-resistnt plstic nd silicone.
The silicone gsket ensures clen
Silicone rim – The coronted,
elstic silicone rim improves
the combined beneits of glss
pot with stinless steel ilter.
It provides universl it between
tepot nd te ilter nd it keeps
your ingers from getting burnt
nd the te ilter from flling out
when pouring hot beverges.
Glss Pot – Most of BODUM® te
presses feture durble borosil-
icte pot. Borosilicte glss is n
outstnding mteril: It is ultr-
light nd strong, hs gret het
resistnt properties, nd will not
get cloudy in the dishwsher.
Perforted striner – The perfo-
rted striner ensures tht leves
nd kernels remin within the
striner while brewing. The ilter
bsket is mde of stinless steel.