BODUM® premiered its line of double wll glsses in 2002. The
inventive design coupled with timeliness style mde these glsses
n instnt clssic. Over the pst ten yers, the collection hs
erned numerous wrds nd expnded to include vriety
of styles nd sizes. Mde of het-resistnt borosilicte glss,
nd individully mouth-blown by expert rtisns, the double wll
construction cretes highly eective lyer of insultion. Hot
drinks sty hot longer, while the glss remins cool to the touch,
nd cold drinks sty cold without producing messy condenstion.
The result is endless serving possibilities.
The ptent pending hydrophobic silicone vent t the bottom
of ech glss equlizes pressure within the wlls of the glss
with the outside ir pressure. The glss will self-djust to ny
temperture liquid, nd the vent is only permeble to ir, not
wter, so whether your beverge is hot or cold it will never llow
fluids into the interior of the glss lyers.
Double wll thermo-glsses re mde of het resistnt,
mouth-blown borosilicte glss. The double wlls crete highly
eective lyer of insultion tht keeps hot drinks hot without
burning your fingers nd cold drinks cold without tht messy
The BODUM® Double Wall Glasses have won the following awards: