Item Description
(For Zebra®
1. Five kinds of xed pitch font
2. OCR fonts
3. Proportional font
CG Triumvirate Condensed Bold
4. True type™ rasterizer
Symbol set PC866U Ukraina, PC Cyrillic, ISO 60 Danish/Norwegian, DeskTop,
ISO 8859/1 Latin 1, ISO 8859/2 Latin 2, ISO 8859/9 Latin 5,
ISO 8859/10 Latin 6, ISO 8859/7 Latin/Greek, ISO 8859/15 Latin 9,
ISO 8859/5 Latin/Cyrillic, ISO 69: French, ISO 21: German,
ISO 15: Italian, Legal, Math-8, Macintosh, Math, PC-858 Multilingual,
Microsoft Publishing, PC-8, Code Page 437, PC-8 D/N,
Code Page 437N, PC-852 Latin 2, PC-851 Latin/Greek,
PC-862 Latin/Hebrew, Pi Font, PC-850 Multilingual,
PC-864 Latin/Arabic, PC-8 TK, Code Page 437T, PC-1004,
PC-775 Baltic, Non-UGL, Generic Pi Font, Roman-8, Roman-9,
ISO 17: Spanish, ISO 11: Swedish, Symbol, PS Text,
ISO 4: United Kingdom, ISO 6: ASCII, Ventura International,
Ventura Math, Ventura US, Windows 3.1 Latin 1, Wingdings,
Windows 3.1 Latin 2, Windows 3.1 Baltic (Latv, Lith),
Windows 3.0 Latin 1, Windows Latin/Cyrillic, Windows 3.1 Latin 5,
EUC, JIS, Shift JIS, Unicode, KS Code, GB Code
Control language Conforms to Datamax® programming language
and Zebra®
programming language
Outline of electronic
CPU ARM Cortex
-A9 *
(Max. operation frequency 400MHz)
ROM Standard equipment: FLASH ROM 16 MByte (User area: 4 MByte)
RAM Standard equipment: SDRAM 32 MByte (User area: 4 MByte)
Media detection
Transparent sensor Detects media gap between labels, notches on tags, and media out
Reective sensor Detects reective mark on back of media and media out
Ribbon tension sensor Detects stretching and slackness of ink ribbon
Ribbon encoder sensor Detects end of ink ribbon
Label peeling sensor
USB USB2.0 (High speed 480Mbps / Full speed 12Mbps)
Wired LAN 100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T
interface options
Serial 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200bps
Parallel IEEE1284 (Conpatible / Nibble / ECP)
Network Multi-function spec Ethernet (10-Base-T/100-BASE-TX)
Standard spec Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11n/IEEE802.11g/IEEE802.11b)
Multi-function spec Wi-Fi (IEEE802.11n/IEEE802.11g/IEEE802.11b)
Indications and
LED Power ON (green), error (red)
Buzzer Alarms, errors, etc.
Operating panel keys PAUSE, FEED, STOP, MENU
Head-up detection sensor
Detects head open
Power switch Turns power on and o